Chapter 26

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I just want to let you know this is bit of a long chapter. Enjoy reading it.

Chapter 26

My work's truck stopped at my house. I greeted the driver and closed the door. The guys at the back started making a noise again. 

Tyson being Tyson yelled, "Enjoy the wedding. Don't overdo it walking the slant you still have to work Sunday. I'll miss you Licia. You're so beautiful. You brighten up my day when I see you at work."

The others laughed and whistled. They started pulling me and hugging me, but all of a sudden they stopped and got real quiet quickly. They were looking in different directions. I turned and saw Wayne standing out on our porch. I waved and then smiled at the guys.

"And now?" I asked.

They glared at me and I laughed, "see you guys enjoy your evening and work tomorrow. Bye" I waved at them and they half-heartedly waved back and murmured their byes. The driver hooted and drove off. I walked in the yard and saw Wayne was glaring at the truck. 

I just shook my head. After finding out about him breaking my vibrator I've been avoiding him. Well I don't know if he noticed cos he and I were both working long shifts this week. We would talk over the phone but it would be short. The look he was giving me now tells me he did notice.

I walked to the porch and gave him a kiss and went inside. I looked around and saw Aunt Diane wasn't here.

He followed behind me, "Aunt Diane aint here she went to Robert's" I nodded and went to put bag down in my room and then went into the restroom. As I was about close the door he stopped it.

"Why you avoiding me?" he asked me.

I started unbuttoning my jacket and spoke, "you know why."

 He glared at me, "you don't need that thing. I've got the real thing for you."

I rolled my eyes and was now taking off my tank top and bra. "I know but you went snooping in my room again. You said nothing about being in my house."

"I was in your room." he corrected.

I glared at him, "it makes no difference. You didn't tell me." my voice had risen now.

"What about the stuff you don't tell me? You haven't even told me what you got up to in the city with Cindy." His voice had also risen. he stopped took a deep breath and whispered, "you've also not told me about that serial killer and your involvement in catching him."

"I told you I can't tell you everything."

He folded his arms and glared at me, "that aint gonna work for me anymore. You're my woman and I need to know about the things you do. So that I can protect you and stop you if you're endangering yourself. I see you've got a gun now."

I was busy taking my pants and panties off when I saw his gaze darken. Well you can only look.

"Yeah I got a gun and it's legal." I replied. 

"You've never needed a gun before. Why now?"

I sighed, "You said you don't mind me having a gun it as long as it's legal. Well it is so what's your problem?"

"Alicia after this serial killer. I can't have you doing something that's going to put you in danger. You already had to send Talia away."

He was speaking the truth but he was stressing me out now and I pushed him away and walked out of the room naked.

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