Chapter 28

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Chapter 28

"The woman who attacked you is dead."

My eyes widened and my heart started beating faster. "What? When? How?"

He walked to the closet and started taking clothes out. He then threw me my jeans, a shirt and a hoodie.

He shook his head, "I don't know but get dressed. You aint staying here alone."

"Wayne I don't think..." I stopped cos he glared at me. It wasn't his usual glare. This was his cop glare. I've seen that look before. When he arrested me for drunk and disorderly he gave me the same look. I was very vocal that night and when he gave me that look. I got quiet real quick. I only started getting vocal again at the station with his colleagues.

We got dressed and left for the station. We arrived and he asked me to go sit at the waiting area. I sat down and saw him leave to the back. I saw him say something Byron and Byron looked in my direction and nodded.

It was a real frenzy inside the station. I could see they were nervous and in a panic. I also noticed they were suspicious of each other. I also noticed a few glances in my direction. I was itching to pull my middle finger at them, but decided against it. I was looking at the scene in front of me when I noticed suits coming in. the State Bureau? FBI?

I looked at them it was a brunette women, two males, one was black the other white. I then noticed a guy with them but he didn't have the air of being law enforcement. Sheriff Jones and Wayne came out and I heard the woman say State Bureau and saw Sheriff Jones relax.

"I'd rather have ya'll come in then the damn Fed's." he said and shook their hands.

Wayne greeted them as well and briefly look at me and then back at them. This however caught the attention of the weird guy and he walked up to me. Much to the dismay of his colleagues. I saw Wayne frowning when looking at him.

I saw he was very observant. There was also a flamboyant flair to him. He came up to me and put his hand out.

I took it and shook his hand, "Wyatt Abernathy, please to meet you. I'ma consultant for the state bureau and you are?"

"Alicia Miller, mechanic at the mines." I answered.

He then looked at me with interest, "Alicia Miller? That's not a Southern name. A newcomer?"

"Err...No I grew up here but my biological parents weren't from here. They were from up north. People in town however do call me Licia."

He nodded, "that clears it up. Can I ask you a question?" I nodded. "This woman that was found dead in the cell. Something happened between the two of you didn't there?"

I looked at him in surprise and saw that his colleagues had joined us along with Wayne and Sheriff Jones.

The woman then spoke, "Wyatt I thought I told you..."

He rolled his eyes and turned to look at her, "yes I know but her dangerous beauty caught my eye and the fact the most of the people were looking at her with suspicion. I also noticed her boyfriend was sneaking glances at her."

"Her boyfriend?" the woman asked sceptical, Wayne was quite subtle.

"Yes the rookie detective standing next to Sheriff Jones."

Wayne narrowed his eyes and folded his arms, "I'm sorry but where are you getting at. What's this got to do with anything?"

Wyatt sighed, "Well like I said your colleagues are looking at her with suspicion and then they carefully look at you to see if you saw them."

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