Chapter 1

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Don't walk. Don't move, don't breathe.

Leaning against the splintered wood of the barn wall, Mia willed her heart to slow. The sound of rushing blood filling her hears with every beat. Scared to breath, she listened closely. Her pursuers sniffing and searching the barn. Eyes closes Mia wished the shadows would swallow her up. That maybe just this once she would catch a break. If only she hadn't stolen. If only she hadn't been so hungry. It was the damn hunger that made her stupid. Stupid and careless. She knew better. Better than to make juvenile mistakes, let her guard down. Stupid Stupid Stupid! Mia chanted silently.

"I think we lost her."

"Are you sure?"

"I'm sure."

Mia heard the two male voices growing quieter as they left the barn. Mia silently counted to 10 before slowly releasing her breath. They were leaving. A wave of relief washed over her. She would have to hide here a while longer, make sure they were out of the area before she ran off. Her stomach growled loudly, protesting the lack of food the past two days brought. Quietly, almost painfully slow, Mia opened the bag of trail mix she'd lifted just an hour previously. The plastic crinkling loudly making her flinch at the noise. At the store, her hunger blinded her to the other wolves. Her carelessness masked their eyes on her. Never before had she been so stupid. Usually, she could catch something in her wolf form, but not of late. Mia bit into the dark chocolate almond goodness. She could practically feel her blood soaking up the sugar. This wasn't much but it was better than nothing. It would have to tide her over till she could catch something. Swallowing the last crumb Mia downed a bottle of water. Water was easier to get, rarely did anyone refuse a water bottle refill. She'd been pretty good at ordering food and feigning a misplaced wallet, but she needed to not look homeless for that to work. These last few weeks have been the hardest. She knew her skin though tan was streaked with dirt, her dark brown hair a matted mess. Even in her human form, she stank like a wet dog. There was only so much one could do in a gas station bathroom.

Mia looked around the empty barn, old but the walls were good, they kept the wind out. The hay felt like heaven after nights on the hard ground. She almost felt warm. It must have been a combination of the warmth and the recent food, Mia's eyes felt heavy. Stretching out her legs she weighed the consequences of staying here for the night. Reluctantly she realized her pursuers would most likely be back in the morning to search some more. Sighing, Mia stood her dirty jeans hanging baggy in a way they didn't use to. Her hoodie was a dirty mess now covered in straws of hay. She crumpled the granola bar wrapper and shoved it into her backpack. Along with the rest of her worldly possessions, she kept her trash. There was no need to leave any evidence behind. With animalistic tendencies, Mia shimmied from her hiding spot and carefully walked to the barn entrance. She could see clearly in the full moon, the bright night sky casting shadows on the barn floor. The walls and roof desperately needed fixing. But tonight she was thankful for the light as she stepped over forgotten wood boards. Straining her ears Mia listened for noises outside the barn hearing nothing she crept further to the door. Sliding both her arms through her backpack straps, Mia was ready to run should she find danger on the other side. Ever so slowly she pulled the heavy barn door aside, wincing at the creaking the metal wheel made on the rusty track. The noise seemed glaringly loud in the quiet night. As soon as the door was wide enough for her body to slip through, Mia slid quickly stealing into the next shadow, pausing to smell and listen. When she saw nothing and smelt only night air mixed with old hay, she let her chest relax. She was fine, it was a close call, but they were gone. Stepping from the shadow Mia glanced at the sky searching, she had been heading south, as far away from her northern pack she could get would be the best. She doubts they were still looking for her. Gathering her bearings Mia turned to begin her run.

"Gotcha!" a hard hand latched onto her arm, startled Mia turned sharply causing her ankle to twist and give way beneath her weight. She felt herself begin to fall before another strong hand grabbed her other arm holding her steady.

"Thought you could outsmart us, uh?" The deep voice was frighteningly calm. Mia squeezed her eyes shut preparing for impact. When none came, she still stood frozen in place eyes closed and jaw clenched.

"Better hope that bar was worth it" Mia heard another voice behind her. Damn. They hadn't left, just waited her out. She couldn't believe any of this was happening, she should have pried off an old board and snuck out in the shadows, not walked out the same door she entered from. The large hands circling both of her upper arms, shook her slightly when she failed to answer the voice.

"Was it?" The voice in front of her asked. Hanging her head, Mia nodded no. She knew they wanted repentance. She'd been raised to play this game. She was a no-one and knew that. Maybe if she appeared weak and compliant, they would take pity on her and let her go. What could they possibly gain from punishing an 18-year-old girl?

"Just like all the other rogue scum, think you can waltz into our territory and just take what you want!" Mia felt the hands release her, still looking at the ground she eyed the set of black combat boots that stood in front of her worn Skechers. She was not a rogue and her wolf bristled at the assumption. She was nothing. She was neither kicked out of the pack nor did she leave of her own free will. She left because she had no other choice. If she stayed, she would die.

"I'm not a rogue," Mia muttered beneath her breath licking her chapped lips, the taste of the stolen granola bar still lingering in her mouth.

"What did you say?" Mia felt a firm hand snap her head up till she found herself staring into the darkest set of eyes she had ever seen. Darker than brown, obsidian, framed with long lashes, almost too long for a man. She stared, catching the slight flicker of the irises as his wolf surfaced momentarily. Standing a good head above her own tall frame, this male was built and more so than the typical werewolf build that shifting gave the males of their kind. His skin tanned, dark hair short, but slightly tousled.

Mia didn't know how long she stared at him, or when she forgot his strong hand on her face, but she quickly felt the shame when he hissed and dropped his hand like he'd touched fire.

"Fucking Damnit!" He growled staring at her. His dark eyes burning with contempt. He stepped back from her, his chest heaving ever so slightly. Mia felt her heart quicken the longer she stared.

"Chase, take her back to the pack." He commanded of the other wolf, turning to stare at Mia his eyes roaming over her lean body, before leaving. His dark gaze warming her body making her aware more than ever of her appearance. Mia stared at the male as he ran a few feet before lunging and shifting midair, his black wolf larger than any she had ever seen run off. Mia felt her wolf stir to attention leaping to the front of her mind. As she stared after him, one singular word formed in her mind.


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