Chapter 6

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It was near midnight when Mia lay in her new bed. The mattress was loads better than the one at the cabin. Bigger, she could even sleep sideways if she'd wanted. The bed had a matching dresser and a nightstand. The white wood felt elegant with the deep rose color of the comforter. Turning Mia still struggled to get comfortable. It was all so new. Mia wasn't sure she'd ever had this many blankets before.

Zane's sister had been waiting for them, she was one of the most genuine people Mia had thought she ever met. She had welcomed Mia warmly with a real smile not a fake one, but the kind that reached her light blue eyes. Her thick auburn hair expertly braided behind her, fell over her shoulder softening any sharp angles she had. Mia had decided she was willowy, she'd heard that term before in a book but never fully understood till she met Tara. She was the perfect feminine copy of her younger brother. Graciously, she gave Mia the tour of the split level. Mia blushed when Tara opened the drawer in her new room and showed her the extra clothes she had picked up. Mia followed her like a lost puppy soaking up all the instructions and advice. Tara wanted to know if the shampoo was okay, and what body wash she preferred if she needed any special food. It all felt overwhelming, and Mia was relieved when Zane reappeared slinging his arm across Mia's shoulders, teasing his sister about ambushing her. His arm felt heavy on her shoulders, but also warm. She could smell him this close, and it made her stomach flutter. Tara had laughed good-natured and excused herself. Zane didn't move his arm when she left, if anything he gave her a little squeeze, but maybe she imagined it.

Now Mia lay staring into the dark replaying the day's events. She could be with a guy like Zane she thought, her wolf emitting a low growl of disapproval. She wondered what it would have felt like if she had leaned into that arm. It was late and she should be asleep, but her mind was racing. Even the smells were new. The crisp clean smell of the sheets, the soft summery smell of her hair from the shower. She even smelled clean and like a girl if that was even a thing. Mia had never had so many choices. The shower felt luxurious after the tub. The coconut-smelling toiletries made her feel fancy in a way she'd never felt before. Mia lay there staring into the dark wondering what the next day held when she heard the longest saddest howl. It sent shivers down her back and made her soul tremble. She didn't need anyone to tell her, that was him.

Chase ran to the front door, the banging had sent him flying out of bed, he didn't even stop to put on the sweats he grabbed as he took the stairs four at a time. His mate was still in bed, trembling. Chase felt his possessiveness heighten when he reached the door, growling as he threw it open. Who in their right mind was banging on his door at 1 am.

"What the fuck!" Chase yelled, the words hanging frozen in the air as he took in his Alpha, standing on his porch shirtless, glistening in sweat as if he had run there. His chest was heaving. Disheveled, distress written all over his face. The dark night behind him, the light from the open door casting devious shadows behind the huge male that faced Chase.

"She's gone?" He stated staring at Chase as if he had the answers.

"Who's gone?"

"Mia" Chase didn't know of any pack member named Mia. He could hear his mate atop the stairs. He mind-linked her everything was fine, and it was just Cass.

"Who's that?" Chase asked, struggling to think clearly. Cass growled and pushed past him, letting himself into Chase's living room. How did he not know, was he stupid?

"The the cabin... she's gone." Chase's eyes flickered in recognition.

"Yeah, she was moved, as you said." He told the alpha who now passed across his living room into the dining area.

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