Chapter 13

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Cass didn't care that the sun had set, that his arm was growing numb, or that his stomach growled for food. The only care Cass had was that she was okay. Mia hadn't uttered a word, her breath slowed, the entire time Cass held her close he felt her harden like a stone. She was shutting herself off. Her emotions that had bled fierce with terror and horror upon first hearing his words had muted to a sullen submission. Cass hated the slimy feel that he felt when defeat tremored down the shared bond. He was content to hold her and provide whatever comfort he could while mind linking the males he depended on. When it was apparent that Mia wasn't going to snap out of it, he slowly eased her into his arms, his heart quickening at the feel of her weight against his chest. Effortlessly he lifted her carrying her slowly to the stairs, he'd wondered what it would be like to carry her to his room and lay her on his bed, but not like this. At the top of the stairs, he debated but decided against leaving her alone. Instead, he walked the opposite way from the room she slept in the night before, into his room and gently laid her on the bed.

Chase, she's not going back. I don't know what it is, but something is terribly wrong.

Are you okay? Chase's voice echoed back, Cass reassured him but reiterated that should anyone from their pack try to come into their territory they needed to be stopped immediately and taken captive. He alone would question them.

Of course. I'll add extra patrols Chase announced. Cass was grateful for the male's loyalty.

Unsure what to do or how to act. Cass eased himself slowly onto the bed next to Mia, who still appeared to be in shock. Laying on her side facing him, her eyes were open but her face expressionless. She still hadn't spoken a word.

Mia was terrified, she knew Kyle would find her sooner or later. She'd hoped later. After she'd had time to leave. She had been a fool to think for a split second that staying here would work. Her wolf desperately wanted to believe Cass and the promises that dripped from his tongue. Mia knew that the promises were made without knowing what she had done. She felt shame cover her like a weighted blanket. She felt the bed shift, Cass was behind her, slowly he settled his chest against her back. Mia couldn't deny that she loved the feel of him, the safety that he made her feel. Mia wished she could close her eyes and just live in this dream, that she was clean and pure for Cass. She wished that he had met her in another lifetime.

At some point, exhaustion had claimed her. When Mia awoke her face was buried in Cass's chest, his breath still calm and deep. His arms wrapped around her cocooning her, even a leg lay over her. Mia wished she could lay in his arms forever. Unwilling to break the spell she closed her eyes and lay there savoring the moment. She imagined a world where she was somebody worthy, where her past never happened and this moment was real, not the unconscious movements of sleep. Mia could feel his chest rise and fall with each breath, the dark dusting of hair tickling her face with the small movement. Mia loved the feel of him, she wished she could trace the lines and ridges of his muscular body. In her semi-wakeful state, Mia dreamed of what it would be like to wake like this every morning.

Cass slowly woke, he hadn't slept that deeply...since ever. He became aware of the body encapsulated in his arms. While her eyes remained shut, he could hear her heartbeat and knew she was awake. His wolf could sense her enjoyment. Whatever her words said, she loved being in his arms. Cass slowly tightened his arms around Mia, bringing her body flush to his. He wished she'd move her arms so he could feel her breasts against his chest. Experimentally he let his fingers trail from her back to her hip, in her sleep her shirt had ridden up just enough that his fingers met her waist uncovered. Her skin was so soft. Cass felt Mia tremble, her scent betraying her. She was aroused. Cass let his fingers trace her middle, never inching upwards or lower. Slowly letting her adjust to the motion.

"I don't want to be touched..." Her whisper came out softly as her hand touched his chest. Cass's heart fell. His wolf felt wounded. Cass felt confused that she would not want something her body so clearly did.

Mia raised herself onto her elbow, her heart beating wildly. She wasn't worthy of his gentleness. Already the tightness had begun to pool in her core. She could see confusion in his dark eyes. Hesitantly, Mia raised her other hand to touch his face. His jawline was dark with stubble, she ran her palm over the roughness, imagining that friction in other places. He was utterly the most beautiful male she'd ever laid eyes on. She froze when his hand came to cover hers. She pulled back. Instantly feeling guilty when she saw the hurt in his eyes. She wanted him to understand, but he wouldn't.

"Please... I just don't want to be touched." Mia repeated, she wished she had the words to say what she really wanted. She didn't even know what she really wanted. Cass leaned up as if ready to move away, she quickly grabbed his elbow. Her eyes searched his.

"Please stay..."

She needs us his wolf stated. Cass slowly returned to his side, unsure what to do with the arm that wasn't under her, he moved to return it to her side but wasn't sure if that constituted touching her. Feeling his uneasiness, Mia placed his hand on her hip. She desperately wanted... no needed... this closeness but was terrified he'd take control. Mia returned her hand to his face, slowly tracing his jawline, then his full lips. He closed his eyes when she traced his long full lashes. A small smile on his lips. Mia wondered, and before she lost nerve, she leaned closer running her lips against his. Cass instantly tightened his grip on her hip turning into the kiss on instinct before his wolf yelled in his head for him to stop. Mia's fear was pouring out of her.

"I'm sorry," Cass mumbled removing his hand from her hip. Mia gulped. It wasn't him, it was her. She just couldn't be normal. He would never understand. She caught his hand with her own and kissed him again this time adding pressure. She wanted his mouth to open for her. She wanted to devour him. Mia wanted him but didn't know how.

"I just, need to be... I don't want to be touched. I'm not sure." She fumbled for words trying to explain between kisses. Her wolf edged her on. The more she touched him, the stronger she felt that tether between them grow.

"Mia look at me." Cass stopped her, getting her attention. He felt her shame, thick and oily. Something had happened, something that was making the desire to bond difficult for her.

"Mia you are entirely in control. We will do only as much or as little as you want. If you don't want to be touched I won't... just tell me what I can do." Cass said, softly his voice husky. He was rewarded with a small smile on her face.

Still holding his hand, she leaned forward kissing him again, she loved the way the sparks danced between them. She felt wet between her legs.

"Kiss me back." She muttered and was deliciously rewarded. Mia let her tongue explore his mouth, she pulled back gently nipping his lips. She felt him groan into her mouth, the feeling gave her courage. Shaking away his hand she experimentally placed her palm on his chest touching him, he was so solid. Every ounce of him was muscle. Mia let her hand explore his chest the firm ridges, the feel of his muscles rippling beneath her touch, the dusting of dark hair that covered his chest. Mia was gaining momentum and lost in the feel of his mouth she let her hand rest on his abdomen. She trembled with excitement and fear, wanting both to continue and fearful of the outcome. She'd never, you know. Gone all the way. She knew how to get herself off, but had never been touched or touched someone else by choice.

Tell him, he will understand her wolf begged, desperately wanting the mark and the bond that came with it, sealing her safety. Mia worried about the rejection that would follow when Cass learned about her.

"I've never... I..." Mia was breathless. She was too embarrassed to face him.

"it's okay," Cass couldn't believe she was a virgin. Why she felt the need to try was beyond him, "we don't need to."

"But I want to."

"There's time."

"I know!" Mia was feeling frustrated, she desperately wanted to feel him against her. She wanted the release she knew she could find with him. Pushing his shoulder till he was flat on his back, Mia slowly straddled him, careful to keep his hands away from her. She held them with her own above his head. Slowly she let herself slide down the length of him.


This was what she wanted.  

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