Chapter 2

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          This would not happen. Nope. He did not want a mate. He certainly didn't want that mate. She couldn't... she .... It wouldn't work. He wasn't even going to try. How did this happen? Cass slammed his fist down on the desk. What had he ever done to deserve this? A mate. A Rouge mate. How? This was impossible. Cradling his head in the palms of his hands, Cass let out a low moan.


His wolf echoed the word again. As if repeating the information made it any easier to absorb.

Our Mate

Cass rolled his closed eyes. His damn wolf wouldn't shut up. When he got close to her his wolf awakened, eager and dominating. When he touched her, he felt the sparks though she seemed unaware. Her voice thrilled him. Her eyes confirmed what the mere second before revealed to him. Her eyes, Cass thought of the pair of glowing gray eyes, appearing silver in the moonlight, shockingly beautiful amidst the dirt-covered face. He was terrified when his wolf wanted her. Annoyed when he did too. This wasn't what he had planned. 


Again, that word. His wolf taunting him. He felt the pull slowly beginning in his chest. The desire of his wolf was almost palpable. Sighing Cass stood pacing to the bar where he kept the bottle of vodka he rarely drank. If anything called for a drink, it was tonight. He reached for the shot glass before quickly changing his mind and grabbing a tumbler. No need for a mixer. The clear liquid burning down his throat set his chest on fire. Warmth filled his belly. He smirked to himself, was he really treating this vodka like scotch? He poured himself two fingers then another splash for good measure before stalking back to his chair. His muscles protesting, strained and sore. Cass swore softly before taking another drink. Why did the moon goddess curse him so?

Get Mate

This was going to be a long night Cass thought to himself ignoring his Wolf. Ignoring another call from Chase. Blocking the mind link. He couldn't deal with this right now. The night was fading, the blue sky fading to a warm blush on the horizon. A new day, no fucking sleep, a rogue mate, and a damn good drink. Cass tossed his head back and let the liquid fire burn him to oblivion. 

     Mia stood shocked as he ran. She didn't move till the man called Chase interrupted her thoughts. She barely heard him as he told her to come and follow him. He had a truck; he was taking her back. She tried to listen, but her mind couldn't follow the words. She heard them but didn't comprehend, her mind was still on the black wolf running into the night beneath the moon, Her mate. Mia was more than shocked, of all things she thought at that moment, mate was the last thing that crossed her mind, and now was the only thing on it. 

Our Mate

I know. Mia grumbled to her wolf. The wolf kept repeating this term, obviously aroused at the discovery of their soulmate. Not at all concerned that Mia was still in the presence of one of her pursuers. Her wolf was no longer concerned about her well-being.

Mate will not hurt us

Her wolf reassured Mia as they drove in silence, staring out the cab window hoping to catch even a glimpse of her wolf. The male driving eyeing her but making no effort to talk was obviously annoyed to be given the job of transporting her. Mia knew she was heading back to the pack, wherever that was. 

He's taking us to mate

Her wolf answered confidently hearing Mia's thoughts. The drive lasted long enough that Mia began to question how far she had run after snagging that bar. It was still night when they slowed to a stop, Mia looked around and saw nothing but a singular cabin. She was puzzled.

"Where are we?" She asked quietly. The headlights of the truck shone across the cabin for a moment before the engine shut off. Lending enough light that she saw it wasn't very big, and there was nothing around it.

"This is where we keep you, rogues," Chase said climbing out of the truck and making his way to her side. It was then that Mia realized this wolf had no idea she was his friend's mate. She wasn't going to her mate; she was going to a holding place. Panic bloomed in her chest.

"Come on." He said gruffly, snapping a set of cuffs around her wrists, Mia hissed they were coated in silver. He pulled the small length of chain between her wrists, giving her no choice but to clumsily jump from the truck and follow. Snapping on a light inside, Mia surveyed the single bed, the bucket across the room. She was going to stay here. Chase led her to the center of the room, grabbing a chain off the bed he swiftly knelt and clasped it around her ankle. Had she been any sort of fighter this would have been her chance to kick him in the face and run, but Mia did nothing. She stood there dumbfounded. Did her mate know she was here? When would he come? Why were there no windows? Her mind drowned in questions.

"The chain reaches anywhere in this room. Someone will bring you food and water and empty the bucket." Chase turned to leave.

"Wait! How long will I be here?" Mia asked panic clearly in her voice.

"That's for the Alpha to decide."

"But what about your friend?" the words left her mouth before she could stop them.

"What about him?" Chase asked confused, sneering at her, his lip raising slightly. It was clear he knew nothing.

"He left..." Mia faltered; she shifted her weight.

"Yeah, guess something came up." Chase again headed for the door.

"Can I at least have my bag?" her voice trembling. Maybe it was her tear strained words, or the childish way she pushed her dirty hair out of her face, but Chase felt a moment of pity for the child, and against his better judgment he brought in her bag. He looked through it in the truck briefly satisfied it contained no weapons. Some clothes, a notebook, and random odds and ends. He didn't see the importance but if this tired dirty bag meant so much to her, she could have it. After all, she did just steal a granola bar.

"Thanks," Mia said as Chase tossed the bag in the door. He didn't reply before he closed the door. Mia heard the locks being secured on the outside. She stood in the center of the room, staring. She knew there was no escape this time.

       "Working Hard?" Cass sat up startled by the voice. His head pounded in response. The sun streaming in the open windows made him grimace, his head pounding harder making his stomach churn.

"What?" He growled at his Beta sitting calmly in the chair, amused to have found his Alpha pathetically passed out on his desk no doubt drooling in his sleep. Cass ran the back of his hand across his mouth. His teeth felt fury and his skin hot. No doubt he would sweat out the vodka for the rest of the day.

"Hadn't heard from you, thought I'd check in. Didn't know you had a party last night." Cass ignored the sarcasm, groaning he rose searching for water. When his beta held out a large bottle of water, he glared at him before aggressively snatching the offering.

"Well, you saw me. You can leave." Cass said once the water bottle was empty. Every time he spoke the words rippled through his brain amplifying the pain.

"Someone's grouchy. Well just wanted you to know I brought her back and she's in holding." The betta teased. "I'm gonna head out for the day, I have Zane on duty there. But call if you need anything"

"Fine." Cass felt his wolf tense at the thought of her. She was close. He watched his beta walk out, closing the door behind him. Sighing Cass surveyed the mess. He didn't have time for a meltdown, just like he didn't have time for a mate. 

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