Chapter 4

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"I took her food," Zane said calmly, standing just inside the Beta's office. The dark wood and rich reds always gave the office an air of royalty and intimidation.

"Good?" The Beta looked up from the papers strewn about his desk, confused. He had told Zane to feed her, why did Zane feel the need to tell him?

"Not sure she looks like a criminal." Zane continued his eyes trained forward. And there it was. Chase leaned back in his leather chair. Zane was young but a good guy, of course, he would speak up if something felt wrong. This was part of the reason Chase chose him to care for her.

"And how does a criminal look?" Chase asked eyeing his inferior. He watched the young man's eyes dart to his own before returning to the spot he had them trained on across the room. Chase knew he was in conflict, no one thought that old painting was that good. He could almost feel the inner battle waged within this male.

"Not like a starving child, sir." Chase agreed with him, while their pack had been plagued with an influx of destructive rogues, this was not the case here. But he couldn't tell Zane that. Cass had already decided to let her off with a warning before they caught her... Chase wasn't sure why he was ordered to bring her back to the pack.

"I agree, make sure she is well-fed."

"I gave her some new clothes." Zane continued.

"Fair enough. See she has what she needs." Chase waved his hand dismissing Zane. He would need to talk with Cass about this before word got out. They were not in the business of holding young girls captive.

Cass skipped dinner. He knew where she was being held. He could feel her the closer he got. Twigs snapping beneath his feet, he slowed not wishing to draw attention to himself. He still wasn't sure why he was out here, heading this way. His headache had dimmed considerably and just remained a dull ache, serving him right. Cass paused in the woods, he could feel that pull, an invisible string tied to his center. He inched forward as the cabin came into view. Kneeling quickly, Cass watched Zane exit the small building tray in hand. Turning he expertly locked the door. Cass felt a growl rise up within him, unsure if it was the thought of his mate locked up or that another male held the key. Cass grunted. He needed to pull himself together.

Go get her

No. He refused to have this argument again. He knew his wolf craved her in a way he didn't understand. But he couldn't simply bust the door down and claim her.

Bring her home

Again. This wasn't going to work. He had enough going on. He didn't need a stranger to babysit. She shouldn't have stolen he thought. 

She was hungry

His wolf was right, just like he had been last night and that damn thought made his blood boil. No one should be that hungry. Cass felt overwhelmed with emotion ready to tear apart an unknown perpetrator to save a woman he didn't even know. How in the world would he explain a rogue mate. If she even wanted him after this, she would stand next to him with a target on her back. That's what mates were, in his line of work. A weakness. He didn't need a weakness.

But we were created in pairs.

Did he ever shut up? Cass was getting annoyed at his wolf's constant dialogue it was hard enough to think already knowing she was right there. Yeah, created in pairs to make the other half better, but what did a fogie have to offer him? Cass stood in the trees, staring at the cabin and the silence that coated the air. Growling he turned and left, surely his wolf would get over this.

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