Chapter 9

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The walk back to the pack grounds was silent. The day warming quickly. Mia's body ached from the run, the night on the ground, and the resistance growing in her body. Kyle wouldn't let her go so easily, he had to be looking. Mia shuddered involuntarily. What if this Alpha returned her? The thought made her heart pound in her throat. She licked her chapped lips, her face felt slick with sweat. She needed to shower. She just needed a better plan, a further head start, and better supplies. It'd taken this Alpha no time to catch up to her, she needed to be faster. Her thoughts ran circles, she would train, she mentally planned a running regimen and weights. She thought back to health class and the food that would build muscle, if she was stronger, she could last longer. The planning made her heart race and her head spin. How would she get better shoes? She needed running pants. Maybe Zane would loan her some money... she paused. She would go back to Zane and Meara's house, right? She stared at the male in front of her, he wouldn't expect her to stay with him.

Cass could hear her steps behind him their soft crunch on the dry grass. Her breath was uneven. The conflicting emotions she was throwing at him anger, resentment, and fear, made his stomach ill. He'd wanted to turn and ask her but stopped himself every time. She didn't want a mate, and Cass, he'd never met anyone that hadn't wanted him. His father warned him about it when he was younger, the females that would try to catch him, the men that would challenge his authority. His father never told him how to handle a situation like this. He didn't even know where to start. His beta had been trying to mind link him for hours now, but Cass ignored him.

It was nearly afternoon when they arrived at the pack grounds, Cass leading and Mia sullenly trailing behind. Members averted their eyes out of both fear and respect. Respect for the Alpha, and fear for the damming thunderous emotions that poured from him. His tall frame, cast a long shadow as he leads the way to his house. Mia stayed behind him, her steps quiet. Her heart pounding wildly as she realized they weren't heading to Zane's. She took in her surroundings, trying to deduce where they were heading. She hadn't been afraid, but something was changing, she could feel it and it made her skin prickle. Her eyes were glued to the male in front of her, his shirtless back on display the sun high in the sky making his skin perspire. If she'd been anyone else, this would be a different situation. But... she wasn't.

"You'll stay here." His voice echoed through the large entrance. Mia let her eyes follow the sound to the high ceiling. She'd known this was an important place when they approached. The immaculate yard and impressive pillars framed the thick wooden door.

"Here?" Mia croaked, her voice cracking.


"Whose house is this?" Mia asked avoiding Cass's eyes. He hesitated, his silence confirming what Mia smelled once they'd entered.


"I'm not staying here." Mia snapped, her eyes connecting with Cass's. She flew to the door grabbing the handle before Cass who had already been closer slammed the door shut with one hand a low growl emitting from his throat.

"You're staying." His eyes were glued to Mia's. His voice infuriated Mia filling her with a fiery rage.

"NO I'M NOT!" she screamed pulling on the door again. She couldn't stay with him. Be this close. It wasn't going to work. With no other option, Mia ran through the house and out the back door. She could hear him hot on her trail, muttering curses beneath his breath. Mia had barely touched the grass in the backyard before she found her arms pinned to her sides. Cass held her in a bear hug of sorts, carrying her back inside. Mia screamed at him to let her down, kicking wildly.

Mia knew it was impossible for them to stay under the same roof. The bond would grow stronger she knew he thought he could control it, she'd agreed when she thought she was staying somewhere else... Mia felt panicked she couldn't control herself. Her mind flew back to Kyle and the things he made her body do. She knew she couldn't be trusted. How could she get him to understand?

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