Chapter 14

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After they lay together breathing deeply, She'd collapsed on his chest, Cass hesitated before slowly wrapping his arms around her. Mia let him hold her as she remembered, it was different but still, the memories came. Some things couldn't be forgotten. She drew from his strength when she wanted to forget. He didn't ask now, but one day he would. She worried about how to explain. She loved the way it felt to be in his arms but knew he would change his tune when she told him. Mia considered never telling him but knew that Kyle would. He was the one that said she'd been kidnapped. She knew this without having to be told. He said he would never let her go. He would find her and he would tell them about her and then... Cass wouldn't want her, she was ruined.


He was furious. The problems that whore had caused. He couldn't believe she had the audacity to run. When he caught her. Kyle stifled a growl. Glancing at his mate in the living room curled up on the couch watching some dumb lifetime movie she was unaware of the storm that brewed within him. To her, she had just been the runt of the litter, some scrawny throwaway who was their cleaning lady. To her, Mia was just some charity case that made her feel better about herself. The job is a mere bone thrown at the mangy dog. Kyle rolled his eyes, he loved his mate but she was not the sharpest crayon in the box. She served her purpose. He was the one who came up with the idea of having Mia clean their house. He had been the one to make her think it was her idea to have a cleaner. Dumb bitch. Kyle threw back the rest of the beer before tossing the can and grabbing another. He wished he had something stronger, but he couldn't keep that at the house. He had a mate! He was a damn family man now! She would give him legitimate children, but Mia... that throw-away product of an affair. That runt would produce alpha babies. Kyle remembered the day he overheard his friend's mother angrily venting on the phone. How inconvenient it was that she was required to help clean up the Alpha's mess. He'd ducked behind the door and listened. It was then that the plan formed. He was young and even considered annoying. He would admit he didn't have the build and brute strength of his peers, but he'd never been called stupid. He knew he couldn't fight for the title of Alpha, but he could marry into one. Mia didn't know the part she played in the grand scheme of things.  But in true Mia fashion, she fucked it all up!!!!

"Babe, you okay?" Gina asked walking into the kitchen and setting her bowl of kernels in the sink. Smiling she kissed his neck, messaging his shoulders. Kyle smiled and leaned back pretending to enjoy her touch. It was pleasurable, she was after all his mate and predestined by fate to meet his needs. She just would never make him Alpha.

"Yeah, just a long day." Kyle smiled before shrugging her off under the pretense of showering before bed. It was exhausting always pretending.

The next morning, Kyle arrived at the pack office before the rest of the advisors had a chance to arrive. Studying to be a lawyer and interning with the current pack attorney, Kyle was granted permission to sit in on most meetings. He hadn't realized how very little their own Alpha did, and just how much was governed by the board of trusted men that were now entering the room. Kyle watched the men sit quietly in their chosen seats, many looked exhausted, some annoyed. More than one man drank coffee quietly reading stuff on their phones before the Alpha finally arrived and the meeting began.

"Any news?" The Alpha Clark said sitting at the head of the conference-like table. A portrait of his father behind him. Now that was a leader. A tough leader, one who didn't need a group of aging men to pick up his mess. NO, if that man were alive this mess would never have happened.

"Yes, actually, yesterday I... er we," The old man pushed his glasses up on his nose glancing at his peers, "we were made aware that there had been an inquiry made from another pack regarding if we knew of a missing girl."

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