Chapter 12

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Cass froze. The felt the heat of anger ripple through his veins. Want her back!!!! He would never let that happen. She was his. Only his! Cass's vision tunneled and he found his mind wandering over how to destroy a pack he's never met. His heart rate quickened, his body priming to fight.

"She wasn't kidnapped. Are they accusing us!" Cass stood abruptly his movement sending a pile of papers falling from his desk. His voice was louder than he intended. The thought of another accusing him of kidnapping a girl was ridiculous. The allegations were serious.

"They said she was kidnapped," Chase shifted through the file in his hand his eyes scanning the pages, "They said she was kidnapped but they do not accuse." Cass yanked the file from Chase's hands.

"Fuck, you could have just asked." He said grimly bringing his hand to his mouth. Fucking A, that gave him a small number of papercuts. Thankfully the quick healing of their kind would seal those small slivers in a moment.

"Are these the emails?" Cass asked already scanning the documents, searching them for answers. He paced his office, his wolf alert and growling, something was seriously wrong about this.

"Walk me through this, when did you hear from them? Are they coming here?" Cass couldn't contain himself, all he could do was replay his wolf's comments at the breakfast table. That she was eating like she's been hungry.

"We send out some feelers about missing female wolves, we didn't accuse, we gave the impression she was unable to identify herself. The initial inquiry came yesterday evening, after some conversation it was clear that their missing female was her. It was only after that they described how she had been kidnapped and they were looking for her." Chase explained he could feel his Alpha's anger. He gritted his own teeth together. He wouldn't give up his Luna easily either.

"Yesterday!! And no one thought to let me know?!?!" Cass couldn't believe what he was hearing. Never before had his men EVER left him out of such serious pack business. He paused when there was a knock at the door, hurriedly Chase answered in followed his Gamma and patrol leaders. Cass narrowed his eyes, Chase had either mindlinked them or this was the plan for them to enter after he had broken the news. Cass eyed the men before him, he trusted them with his life, but he didn't like what was happening.

"Sir, we were going to alert you immediately" His Gamma coughed, "but upon nearing your residence it was apparent..." The man blushed and looked nervous, "apparent that you were indisposed." Cass closed his eyes remembering the previous afternoon and all the yelling. He wondered if any of his men saw him chase her through his property.

"Go on," Cass said, rubbing the bridge of his nose. He would have preferred to have been alerted right away, but maybe this time his men got a pass.

"Cass, we looked hard, we even reached out to some of our more trusted pack allies, and no one received any news of a kidnapped female." Chase continued, Cass felt his blood cool to ice. He let his eyes fall on the men before him studying them and looking for any cracks in their demeanor.

"Who doesn't report a kidnapping." Cass finally asked out loud, his voice low. He was no longer burning with rage, he was deathly cold and this was much more dangerous.

"Exactly, unless there was no kidnapping. If she wasn't forced to leave, then she left by choice." Damon the Gamma piped in. Cass nodded agreeing with them. The Alpha was supposed to protect the pack at all costs, it went against everything to lie about a member and to fake a kidnapping that was worse.

"You think she ran away?" Cass asked through clenched teeth. Chase nodded. Cass's wolf growled, there was something very very wrong about this.

"Cass hear me out. I'm not sure what to think. I don't know her. I've barely talked to the girl." Chase put his hands up, he knew how dangerous it was to discuss the Alpha's mate so openly, he also knew how dangerous his next request was, "But there is someone who does know her better... I think we should talk to Zane." Chase finished, standing firm ready to receive whatever anger the Alpha shot his way. Instead, he was met with a wall of ice.

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