Chapter 5

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The week passed without resistance. Zane fell into a new rhythm, he enjoyed seeing Mia daily. By the seventh day he brought his lunch with hers and they ate together. Each sitting on the floor. She was slow to warm up but when she did, he felt like he won the lottery. The food was doing its job, every day her face looked fuller, her eyes more alert, and her color was coming back. Her long hair fell down her back, growing glossier, with the regular washing and brushing. Zane watched her tuck a dark strand behind her ear before reaching for her drink.

"So, where did you grow up?" Zane asked in between bites of his sandwich, Mia's face fell, she stared at the door for a minute blinking, her sandwich in her hand paused halfway to her mouth, before shaking her head.

"Not from anywhere nearby." She was growing more used to Zane's presence. She felt safe when he was near. She felt him watching her, but still, he never touched. Her entire existence was dependent upon his return. Her food and water, and even the small luxuries she'd come to cherish. The lukewarm baths and clean clothes. Mia shifted; the floor of the cabin was hard.

"Do you know where?" He pressed, casually dropping a handful of trail mix into his mouth.

"Yeah, nowhere important." Mia watched him, she guessed he was only a few years her senior.

"Not gonna tell me?" He looked at her cocking an eyebrow, Mia felt herself blush. She shook her head no. She would never tell him, what if they found out she had run and sent her back. Or worse what if they found out all about her.

"Hmmm, one day." That was all he said before changing the subject.

"Do you know when I will be released?" She asked softly, Zane's eyebrows bunched.

"No." He replied, Zane hadn't heard a thing all week. Surely, she wouldn't be in this cabin for much longer he thought to himself.

"I'll try to find out." He offered. Quickly rewarded with a smile.

"Where are you gonna go when you're out?" She just smiled. Zan laughed.

"So many secrets." He teased.

Cass stared at his computer screen, unable to concentrate. He'd be lying if he said he was okay. He could feel the pull a little stronger every day. It was driving him insane. Every night he found himself walking through the forest, through the thick trees just to stare at the cabin.  Cass wanted both to go to her and also run away. He felt torn. He barely slept.

"Hey, Cass?" Chase asked, sticking his head in the door. Cass nodded waving him into the office. Watching the door open Chase and then ZANE walked in. He eyed Chase confused about what was happening.

What's this? He mind linked.

He's insistent and refused to take no for an answer. Chase responded through the link.

"Sir, sorry for interrupting." Zane began nervously. Cass could smell his fear. Had something happened to her, he felt his heart race.

"Spit it out." He grumbled impatiently. Cass was annoyed at the interruption, leaning back in his chair and surveying the two in front of him.

"The girl, Mia, in the cabin. How long will she be residing?" He blurted out. Mia, he repeated in his mind, the name soothing his nerves.

"Why do you care?" Cass asked narrowing his eyes. What was this boy thinking?

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