C H A P T E R 8 : Death Wish

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"I've longed to hold you like this." a voice called.

Warmth enveloped Ari's face as she felt someone caress her cheek. Ari, no matter how she tried, could only see darkness even with her eyes open. She suddenly felt like she was being pulled forward until she felt a sensation on her forehead.

"Stay with me?" the voice said.

"Yes!" Ari attempted to answer without even missing a beat.

"Yes..." All of a sudden she felt hesitant. "Please...?"

Silence. All the warmth fleeted away from her until cold was all that was left.

"Wait! Come back!" Ari cried. Surprisingly, the warmth came back to her wrist, as if someone held them. The warmth unfortunately became hotter and even until Ari couldn't bear the heat anymore, the burning sensation still ensued.

Finally, she was able to open her eyes and blink, her eyes scanning her whereabouts. She tried moving her limbs, aching as she propped herself up on all fours. She winced through the pain shooting through her chest as she groaned. "Ah... Fuck."

As her vision cleared, she noticed that she was drenched in blood and unfortunately, that she was still stuck in the mirror dimension.

She sighed, her wound aching still yet she noticed that she wasn't bleeding anymore. "What the..."

Not a moment later, she began to remember her current circumstance and that Erza was in trouble.

'But is she really in trouble?' Ari thought. Edo Ari's words ran through her mind. Ari had realized she'd been taking her time with Erza for granted especially since after a week, there's a chance they'll never see each other again.

To Ari, she felt that Edo Ari deserved the time with Erza better. Maybe Edo Ari could even give what Erza wanted; better than she could.

Images of them together made quite the sight, until Ari's mind corrected themselves and showed Erza with her Edolas Counterpart.

Ari could promptly feel herself fill with an uncomfortable heat in her stomach. She chuckled to herself. "Maybe she's right. We are the same."

Ari struggled to stand yet she was able to before outstretching her hands and taking a deep breath. "I'm sorry, Charity. But Erza is mine and mine alone."

A bright glow enveloped Ari as she hoped for the best, feeling for the right spark to act on; a feeling similar to cracking a safe open simply by intuition. In her mind, she could feel the essence of various materials, their make, texture, color, and other physical qualities made known to her. Until finally she saw it. The magical core of the magic, the foundation of the Dimension Magic.

Ari stepped forward, seemingly opening a door to leave the mirror dimension, yet it was as if the door had this immense weight. Adding more magic power to her spell, Ari pushed with all her might until she stumbled to the living room, clashing against the wooden chairs.

"Ari?" a voice called, then a fluffy material followed; cuddling against Ari's face. "ARIIIIII!!"

Ari raised her arms to hug back the feline. "Happy..."

Happy raised his head, tears flowing from his eyes. "You are our Ari, aren't you?"

"You could say that." Only then did she notice the glow on her wrist, and along with it the pain that punishes them everytime they were in violation of the rules. Ari, a little bit used to the sensation, grimaced as she grabbed her wrist; showing it to the blue cat.

Happy seemed relieved to see an airtight proof of her identity but his smile quite immediately disappeared. "Natsu and Gray disappeared. I think they were taken away by the impostor."

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