C H A P T E R 1 5 : Fire Within

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The sound of Erza's sword slicing the air moved past Ari's ear as she dodged it cleanly.

It had been three days since Master Makarov's announcement. Erza and Ari had made it a habit to train daily in the forest east of Magnolia.

"Her letter said she visited a small city in Caelum." Ari bent backwards to dodge before she lifted her feet up to counterattack Erza. "Deiflam."

The scarlet knight raised her hand in defense, successfully blocking Ari's kick. "Is that where she said she left her stuff?"

As Ari leapt back, Erza summoned a spear on her free hand before engaging Ari once more.

With each strike, Ari could only dodge, especially now that Erza wielded two weapons against her; one with long range and another that took care of short ranges.

Ari jumped as she dodged the spear, somersaulting forward to touch Erza's shoulder. "Yeah. Seems like that's where she spent most of her time studying."

Erza, cautious about Ari's magic power, changed the grip on her sword and swung it over the shoulder that Ari was targeting.

The sword met Ari with a long clang before she was sent up in the air by Erza's force. "Then Deiflam it is. I'll talk to the master and tell him we'll leave immediately."

"Eh?" The marionette, still in midair said. She then landed just a few feet from Erza and came to a temporary stop. "Will the master even let you? Didn't he tell you to train the new members? Not to mention here you are, training with me instead."

"Right..." Erza requipped the spear to a shield and pointed it upwards from where Ari was. Three loud thumps could be heard as crude mirror shards stuck themselves in the shield. "I guess I'll have to stay behind if he says 'no'."

The requip knight became visibly upset as she sighed. She then sat and hugged her knees, drawing circles on the ground.

Ari nervously smiled as she watched her amour sulk in front of her. "What if we make a bet? If you land a hit on me, I won't leave and I'll train under you. But if you don't, you'll let me leave for Deiflam alone."

Erza looked at Ari with an empty stare, as if processing the stakes.

Not long after, she stood up, a smirk plastered in her face. "I won't hold back on our training just because we're together."

Ari took a defensive stance as she watched Erza bathed in a bright light, requipping her flight armor and one of its swords. "You speak as if you've already won."

"I have." Erza disappeared as soon as she spoke.

Ari grinned, fully expecting that Erza would try to finish the challenge quickly.

True enough, Erza tried to hit Ari's blind spot, but that too was within the marionette's expectation.

With a quick turn, Ari raised her arm to block the sword using her mirror dagger. Their weapons sparked as they held their own against each other.

"Why not keep me away using your magic?" Erza asked, pushing her sword toward Ari with all her might.

"Oh, I don't know, that might just be a little too easy, you know?" Ari grunted, her feet starting to dig into the ground.

Erza held her free hand to her side and summoned another sword to swing towards Ari.

Ari deflected the sword she'd been blocking, redirecting all Erza's force away from her as she jumped to dodge Erza's secondary swing.

The scarlet mage rolled to the ground, immediately throwing both swords at Ari while she was still in midair. She did not stop there, summoning more swords from her Heaven's Wheel Armor and sending it all to attack Ari.

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