C H A P T E R 1 6 : Exchange

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The duo hid just before the entrance to Madeleine's stronghold; a fortress built out of pure steel.

"So remind me how we're supposed to sneak inside this thing?" Alion whispered to Ari.

"Ye of little faith." Ari said before she set her hands aglow and formed a small mirror dome enough to fit both of them comfortably.

Ari began to walk straight ahead, while Alion whispered aggressively at Ari. "Hey! Hey! Get back here!"

Ari stood in between the two guards stationed at the entrance before looking back at Alion, a brow raised and her lips tugged to a smirk.

Alion, realizing Ari's doing, immediately ran to her side cautiously.

True enough, they were able to get in without a problem. Inside, Ari gave Alion two small spherical lacrimas stored with her mirror magic. "Each should last you at least 30 minutes. If by then you still haven't left with the girls, you're on your own."

"Is this safe?" Alion shook the lacrimas, testing its weight.

Ari looked around, scouting the area ahead. "Not a lot of things can get through it, so you're safe for the most part. But your presence can still be noticed by someone strong enough."

"Got it. Let's meet at the inn by sundown." He sprinted down the other way, but came back after a moment. "Remember what we discussed, okay?"

"Sure. Sure." Ari waved Alion off.


"The broker's name is Madeleine. They're what people call, queen of drag. They hold power over all walks of life here in Mikhael." Alion said, showing a sketch he made of a beautiful woman.

Alion and Ari managed to arrive in Mikhael before the day ended. Not before long, Alion had begun briefing Ari about the broker, Madeleine, and their base of operations in preparation for tomorrow's raid.

Alion laid the parchment down on the table, continuing his explanation. "As I said before, they can give you information for a price. By any chance, do you have money above ten million jewels?"

Ari pretended to think before blurting out, "Yes. I left most of it at home."

A blank stare formed in Alion's face, "Very helpful. Thanks." Then he sighed. "Right, then we sneak inside. If you can get me close to Madeleine, I can perhaps use my magic to ask them if they know where Deiflam is."

"We're riding on a 'perhaps'?" Ari said in a tone almost critical.

Alion brought his hands together, breathed in, and out; his nostrils flaring. "My commands are strongest against those who are attracted to me and are not romantically involved. I have no idea if Madeleine is either. If they're neither, then Madeleine will be able to resist it."

Ari crossed her arm, feigning ignorance to Alion's irritation. "Then maybe we should find the girls first before agitating the drag queen."

"Queen of drag." Alion corrected. "You gotta be careful."

Ari eyed Alion, unsure if he was serious. Yet she took caution and corrected herself. "Right, sure. Before agitating the queen of drag."

"Yeah. That sounds like a good plan."


Ari ran along corridors, hallways, occasionally opening rooms for access, trying to find the girls they were looking for.

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