C H A P T E R 1 4 : Messenger

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"I didn't think waiting would be this nerve-wracking." Ari mumbled to herself as she sat on a chair in what seems to be an office.

In front of her was a large desk and behind it was a chair which was equally large in stature. She looked around and noticed that the office wasn't decorated with much either.

An image of a small group of people hung on the wall and beside it was a pedestal with a trophy.

From boredom, Ari went near the pedestal to read the plaque beneath it. "Grand Magic Games Champion, X791."

"I should probably look for videos of that." Ari said to herself as she eyed the trophy.

Satisfied, she went around the office further to explore but nothing else was there, so she went back to take a seat.

It had been half an hour since she was left alone by Erza under the promise to call the master.

"Geez, how long are they planning to make me wait?" Ari stood from her chair to leave, but as if on cue, the door threw open.

Ari watched as Laxus, Mirajane, Erza, and Master Makarov stepped inside the room.

Each of them stood in their respective corner while the master sat on top of the desk, legs crossed.

"Well," the master began, "I heard you wanted to talk to me?"

Ari nodded. "I have news from Pirate Cannon. But before that," Ari eyed Laxus and Mirajane cautiously. "I see no reason why these people should hear about this."

Master Makarov chuckled. "No, it's perfectly reasonable. Your guild has pulled worse stunts before. I, too, see no reason why the best of our guild can't hear about this."

All of a sudden, the air in the room became heavier. Ari broke into a cold sweat as her eyes fixated on the floor.

'I... I'm in danger...' was all Ari could think of as the master's menacing aura enveloped the room.

"If you think saving one of us is enough to give you the benefit of the doubt, you're mistaken, little pirate." Laxus said.

As quickly as it came, the threatening aura suddenly dissipated. Ari raised her head to only to see the master waving his hands towards Laxus as if dismissing him.

"No, it's enough really. Bringing back Lucy in one piece and surrendering yourself is enough for me to hear you out." Master Makarov smiled.

Ari couldn't decide whether to believe the master, but she wasn't standing before all of them for nothing either.

Ari gulped, steeling herself to face the master. "Pirate Cannon has a Magical Convergent Cannon, Deus Jupiter."

"They've been absorbing Lucy's magic power eversince she got there. Now they're coming here for something called..." Ari brought fingers to her chin as she tried recalling the name Master Nicolas had told her. "...Lowman History?"

"Low... What?" Laxus asked, voicing out the same concerns that Master Makarov held.

"Lumen Histoire?" Mirajane put forth as more of a question for Ari to verify.

Ari nodded. "I think so. He said that it's greater than the great fairy magics and it's enough to make him the most powerful man in the world."

"Old man..." Laxus said, his voice low and filled with concern.

"Do you know when they'll attack?" Makarov asked.

"I don't know." Ari hung her head low before lowering herself to the ground, kneeling before Master Makarov.

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