The Secret Lives of The Animals

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"Hello fellow adventurers. It's your old pal and the fearless adventurer herself, the manticore or Corey for short. With a true to life tale direct from New Mushroomton. It's the end of another long day, and every critter in town is getting ready to hit the hay." Corey narrated.

Rose is shown brushing her teeth and Delta Dawn is reading a bedtime story to Clampers Buttonwillow.

"Whoo-hoo!" Rufus cheered as he jumped onto the hay bed and went to sleep.

The scene goes to the Lightfoot family's house where Jessica, Mindy, Anna and Blazey are getting ready for bed.

"Even the master wizard Jessica and Blazey are laying down their weary heads."

"Good Night." Jessica said as she yawned and went to sleep.

"Now dragons love to sleep, but they also like to have their fun. And clever little Blazey here is no different." Corey narrated.

Blazey took her favorite chew toy of a wizard and placed it in Jessica's arms.

"With a nice wizard chew toy in place, Blazey is ready to hit the town." Corey narrated.

Blazey exits the Lightfoot family's house and runs towards Branch's garbage cans.

"But first things first. That gooey little varmint is mighty hungry." Corey chuckles as Blazey climbs into the garbage cans and eats some trash.

"It may not look like much to you and me, but this here is four-star dining to a dragon." Corey narrated.

Blazey hops over to another garbage can and eats some more trash. Suddenly, Abby and Cooper appear from the trash and they look angry.

"Now, Blazey never minds running into a friend or two, but Abby and Cooper don't seem ready to share their meal." Corey said.

Abby, Cooper and Blazey hop out of the garbage cans and they chase around. Abby and Cooper barks at Blazey like a mad dog. Blazey spews out fire, which terrifies the duo as they turn around and run away.

"Ol' Blazey feels as big as a wolf dragon right now, but she's about to be reminded that life ain't all fun and games. Especially when animal control is on your tail." Corey narrated.

Just like what Corey said, a truck pulls over and an animal control officer named Marvin appears. He is a large, burly troll wearing a uniform.

"Freeze, reptile!" Marvin shouted.

"Bark." Blazey said, running away.

"Hmm?" Marvin said.

Marvin goes to chase Blazey, but he slips on the trash goo. He falls onto the ground while getting his capture pole tangled to his head. With Marvin all tangled up, Blazey laughs and then tiptoes away.

"As much as Blazey likes getting one over on the heat, she has more important matters to attend to." Corey narrated.

"Not far from The Lightfoot's home and across the outdoor shopping mall is the Flower Castle where the queen of the pop tribe named Poppy lives. This is Lord Prickles, Poppy's pet hedgehog and Blazey's best friend,  they are very similar to Abby and Poppy." Corey narrated.

"This here is Rock hollow where the rock fairies who move to Fairytopia live. Blazey isn't here to visit the rock fairies. Even though they rock out all night." Corey narrated.

Blazey and Lord Prickles enter Rock Hollow. They break through the ceiling vent where they almost woke Val Thundershock up with the metal door. They then tip toe across the ceiling. Blazey's fire drops into Val's mouth. Val coughs and spits the fire out before going back to sleep.

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