A Day Without Tears

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Inside The Lightfoot Family's house, Abby is lying in bed snoring. The Sherwood Forest alarm on her phone sounds and she wakes up immediately; then, she inhales deeply and sighs before opening her window shutters.

"Good morning, day!" Abby said.

Abby walks to her closet, but accidentally stubs her toe near her bed.

"Ow!" Abby yelled and fell over and looked at her swollen toe.

"I stubbed my toe!" Abby cries profusely.

"I stubbed my toe! I was walking around and I stubbed my toe!" Abby cried.

Later, she walks into her closet and searches through a long line of identical shirts while humming; she picks one, but the wire hanger rips through the side.

"That was my favorite shirt!" Abby sobbed.

Abby cries; later, she appears at the breakfast table eating cereal while listening to the radio.

"And that was "Aja". Next up is "Rise to Valhalla." The Radio DJ said.

Rise to Valhalla begins to play, and Abby begins sobbing again.

"That's a sad song! It reminds me of when I sacrificed Guinevere!" Abby sobbed.

Abby was driving to an ambassador meeting at the Crystal Castle then she was pulled over by Colt Bronco.

"Abby, do you know why I pulled you over?" Colt Bronco asked.

"I was speeding?" Abby asked.

"Yes." Colt Bronco said as he was writing a ticket and handing it to Abby which made her cry.

"Quit your cryin'. It wasn't the first time you got a ticket from me." Colt Bronco said.

"It's not that. It's that I am late for the meeting." Abby sobbed.

While Abby continues to cry inside Guinevere, Val is getting annoyed by Abby's crying over spilled milk.

"That Abura is such a Akachan o naki. Lucky me, I get to be with her all day." Val grumbled.

"Trust me, you are not the only one." Rose said.

Later, at the Crystal Castle, Abby was sitting eating a cookie then she dropped it on the floor. With Rose's low tolerance of the five second rule, Abby sadly picks the cookie up and carries it to the trash can.

"Abby, will you stop crying?!" Rose said.

"But the cookie fell on the floor and I—" Abby said.

"Cookie nothing!" Rose said.

Abby tries to speak again, but Rose angrily interrupts her very loudly.

"COOKIE NOTHING!!!!" Rose shouted and pants heavily, then Abby whimpered with tears.

"What now?" Rose asked.

"You yelled at me! You yelled at meAAAAAAAAAAAA!" Abby sobbed.

Abby sobs even louder than before, continuing to soak Rose's umbrella with tears while Val covers her ears and realizing yelling at Abby is only going to make matters worse.

"All right, look. So far today, and it's not even 2:00 yet, you have cried 43 times." Rose explained.

"And you wrote that number on a chalkboard." Abby said.

"Yes!" Rose nodded.

"Why?" Abby asked.

"I have no idea." Rose shrugged.

"Oh, guys, there's no way I cry that much. There's not that many tears in my brain." Abby said.

"Au contraire." Rose said as she turned on a TV.

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