Driving Miss Thundershock

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"What do you mean you failed?" Jessica asked.

"Lownote Jones said I didn't have enough experience to pass the driving test. I have a retest on Monday, but it's my last chance, and he wants me to practice with someone more experienced." Val groaned.

"Is that all? I can take you to the most sophisticated places if you like." Queen Rose suggested.

"Don't fret your fritters. Guinevere and I would help you." Abby said in her warrior princess accent.

"We could use my car. It's small and perfect for newcomers." Jessica agreed.

"Well, I guess I'll go with..." Val started to say.

If the viewer choose Queen Rose ending.

Rose arrived in her father's Ferrari.

"Huh? Is that a Ferrari?" Val asked.

"Isn't it sophisticated? I borrowed it from dad for the day. If you're going to study driving, you must do it properly." Rose said. "I learned how to drive with dad with this crown jewel before and I'm sure you can as well."

Val entered Rose's Ferrari and eases her way to the driver's seat.

"Now, just a few things that you absolutely must know, something my dad told me when I learned how to drive. Always have both sparkling and still water. You never know which one your passengers will prefer. Never play the music too loud or too soft. It has to be just enough that their heads bob but not so much that they cover their ears. And finally, always have your lights on the ready in case it's dark." Rose explained.

"Your headlights?" Val asked as she started driving.

"Yes." Rose nodded.

"Just a little bit— No, an inch to the left. Now, be careful! The shoulder! Watch the shoulder! As my dad said, driving can be stressful." Rose said. 

"Rosethorn! Do you mind?!" Val shouted.

"Not bad, Val. You completed the left turn, the right turn, the U-turn, and the K-turn. But now comes the party where everyone fails – parallel parking. Don't expect to—" Rose said but Val was able to do parallel parking.

"Done." Val said.

"Where on Earth did you learn to do that?" Lownote Jones asked.

"Mmm, I just had to... stretch my talents." Val smirked.

"I don't get it, my love?" Lownote gasped.

"That's something my father would say." Rose smirked as she kissed Lownote on the lips.

If the viewer chooses Abby Lightfoot ending.

"Thanks for helping me out, Abura." Val said.

"Think nothing of it. I've been looking for a reason to take a spin in Guinevere." Abby nodded.

"Uh, she's something, all right." Val said.

"Keep in mind since she does have a mind so she has a tendency to buck. Be aware." Abby warned.

The duo got into Guinevere as Val started the engine.

"Now, the first thing you ought to know is—" Abby said.

Soon they heard a pop and it was revealed that Guinevere got a flat tire.

"...Be prepared." Abby said.

"To fail?" Val asked.

"For anything." Abby said.

"Shouldn't we call Triple A?" Val asked.

"Nonsense, that is the coward's way out. If you are out in the middle of nowhere with no cell service, you cannot rely on Triple A. The best way to do it is manually." Abby asked.

Abby used her ability from her geode to lift up Guinevere.

"All right, Val. Use that wrench to loosen the bolts, and we'll get this tire replaced in a jiffy. Remember, righty tighty lefty loosey." Abby instructed.

"Heh. And what if I don't have you around?" Val asked.

"Well..." Abby stammered.

It is revealed the car they were driving for the test also got a flat tire. 

"Oh, this is unfortunate. Of course I know how to change a tire, but, uh, I wouldn't want you waiting around. So I guess, uh... you fail? Is that fair? Hmm?" Lownote Jones sighed.

"Not to worry. I know exactly what we need." Val said.

"You do?" Lownote Jones asked.

"A carjack." Val said, pulling out a royal blue with a white moon and stars carjack.

If the viewer chooses Jessica Lightfoot ending.

"Val, over here!" Jessica said.

"Sweet ride, Pippusukīku." Val said.

Val gets in Jessica's HRV and buckles her seatbelt.

"All right! I'm ready to clock some miles on this bad boy! Let's do this!" Val cheered.

"It's the driving safety rhyme. Start your trip with seat belt time. Nine and three is where you'll be. Adjust your mirror to see things clearer. Check your little engine light to make sure that the trip's all right. The coolest drivers will admire—" Jessica said.

"All right!" Val nodded.

"...properly inflated tires." Jessica continued.

"So, what are we learning first? Turns? Switching lanes? Parking?" Val asked.

"Oh! Funny you should ask. I actually have a rhyme for that, too." Jessica giggled.

Val groaned and hit her head on the steering wheel as the horn was blaring.

"Now, Val, I know all this safety business might seem boring to you – and it is – but it's also... important. Tell me what do you do even before you start the car." Lownote Jones said.

"Turn up the radi— Oh, not that. It's the driving safety rhyme. Start your trip with seat belt time. Nine and three is where you'll be. Adjust your mirror to see things clearer." Val rhymed.

"Very nice. If your driving's as good as your rhymings, I'm sure you'll do just fine...-ings." Lownote Jones rhymed.

"I had some help from the best. Now it's time to pass this test." Val said.

"Just start the car." Lownote Jones smiled.

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