The Troublesome Trio

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It starts off where Abby is sleeping and tossing around in her bed.

"No... It can't be...! It isn't true...!" Abby said in her sleep.

"Um, Abby?" Rebecca asked.

Soon a knock was heard.

"Abby! The ambassador meeting is in ten minutes!" Rachel shouted.

"Oh, no-no-no-no-no! I can't believe I overslept!" Abby gasped as she put on her glasses.

Soon The True 8 came into Abby's room.

"Me neither. That's not like you." Jessica agreed.

"I know!" Abby nodded.

"Don't you have a super-annoying alarm clock that goes ''Eh eh eh?" Maddie asked, imitating an alarm clock.

Maddie lifted up Abby's pillow and found the alarm clock going off as Jessica hit the snooze button.

"It's gonna be fine. We'll help you get ready." Jessica said.

Soon The True 8 is helping Abby get ready for the meeting.

"It's going to be another ambassador meeting. When is she going need that?" Tara said.

"If it were going to be a formal meeting, I'd insist she packed an evening gown. One never knows, darling." Keagan said.

"Lemme just get changed." Abby said.

Soon another figure appeared behind Abby.

"The Elf In Pink?!" The Rest of The True 8 screamed.

"How is this possible? Queen Rose sent you to the pillow realm!" Abby gasped.

"You and your friends can never truly defeat me!" The Elf in Pink cackled.

Soon the rest of The True 8 were disintegrated leaving Abby and The Elf In Pink face to face.

"Elf In Pink's a part of you! I'll always be there waiting in the darkest shadows of your mind! I'll be back, Abby! And this time, I won't stop until you are cool and grown up like me!" The Elf in Pink said going into Abby's body and changing her appearance but Rose appears and turns the Elf in Pink into a cake.

"No!" Abby screamed.

"Stop!" Abby screamed however it was only a dream. Abby's scream was so loud that it startled Jessica, Anna and Mindy who actually jumped so high she hit the ceiling.

Then Jessica and Anna came into Abby's room.

"Who was it this time Abby?" Anna asked.

"It was the Elf In Pink." Abby answered.

"Aw, nuts." Anna said, snapping her fingers.

"I knew it, two more Elf In Pink nightmares. And Anna owes me a Crumble Cookie." Jessica said.

"Wait a minute you guys. Let's stay up a while and hang out." Abby said.

"Abby, it's late." Jessica yawned.

"Okay, I admit it. I guess I am worried about you know who." Abby explained.

"The Elf In Pink?" Anna asked.

"Yeah. Since she is the cool grown up version of myself and I fear that I would end up being like her." Abby said.

"You are only worried about making the next step." Mindy said covered in installation.

"Mom, have you noticed your dandruff?" Abby said.

"I'm serious, Abby. There is no such thing as The Elf In Pink, you can control your behavior. Now let's go back to sleep, Poppy is showing a new invention and you have to be there for approval." Mindy said.

Onward (But It's With Me and My Twin Sister) and Friends Season ThreeWhere stories live. Discover now