9. The Archives

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After a solid half hour of rattling through the numbers on the list, you found yourself in a position no better than where you started.

There were four phones, meaning that everyone was soldiering away except Steve who's excuse was 'dealing with the customers.'

You'd spoken to a couple of the boys you knew were friends with Eddie at school and some of the people Eddie dealt drugs to but they didn't have any information.

It seemed like no one did.

"Have you thought of going to the cops with this?" Steve pondered. He was clearly bored, there were no customers.

"The cops? Are you serious?" Max and Dustin spoke over each other.

"Yeah, well, you know all this information." Steve continued, "And wouldn't the cops be able to locate this 'reefer rick' without a last name?"

"Steve. Think about it. The cops are exactly the opposite of what we'd need. If it's to do with..you know what." Dustin added.

"Wait, I thought the police knew about the upside down. You said the chief did." You pointed out.

"Yeah that was before he was killed. None of the others know." Max corrected.

"No, no but think about it. The police have files on everyone we could go over to them an-" Steve was suddenly cut off by Robin.

"Steve.. say what you just said again." Her eyes were wide with anticipation, they almost sparkled in the lights.

"Uh, the police have files on everyone and we co-"

Robin kicked Dustin off the computer, "You know where else has everyone's files."

"The Store's Archives!" Steve rested his hands on his heads, "Why didn't I think of that."

Robin simply just grinned as she typed the letters into the computer:


The machine whirred into action as several different ricks from all across Hawkins popped up on the register.

"This has their addresses as well! Of course!" Dustin seemed astounded by Robin's sudden genius and in fairness, so were you.

"Alright, what do you think a drug dealer would watch in his spare time?"

"Sixteen Candles? The Breakfast Club? Young Love?" Robin read the film records, almost laughing at the thought that a drug dealer might've watched those films.

"No way." You snorted, pressing onto the next one, "I doubt Reefer Rick would watch Mickey Mouse and god knows what these tapes are."

"Uh, what about this one?" You point to a Rick who's files were filled with the sort of films that you watched when you're stoned or high.

"Weird Science? This guy sounds pretty sound." Steve grinned.

"You liked that film?" Robin looked appalled.

"Yeah, it's pretty funny actually." He continued, "The girl in it is fit."

"Right, right," Dustin shut down the conversation, "Where does this Rick live?"

Robin read out an address.

"That's pretty far away from here." Steve said, "Eight miles or so? I think."

"But that's the perfect place for Eddie to hide." You pointed out, "That's got to be it."

"Alright Cunningham," Steve said, "Lead the way."

You smiled at the others, going to the door of the shack and pulling it open.

"Can I drive?" You asked sweetly.

"Not in a million years."

A/n- I've just realised that I should've made the main character Eddie's sister instead of Chrissy's but oh well.

This might get me a lot of hate from you guys but I honestly don't get the Eddie simps but you do you ig lmao

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