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Ani's pov:

Today I was quite busy with my work and bondita went to college. Well I am the trustee of the college.

Yup from the day I got to know that bondita joined that college, I bought it and now that college is mine.

And each every person knows that bondita is my lady and now she is my wife. The wife of the trustee.

There are my man's always around her to keep an eye on her. I want to make sure she is safe as I have many enemies out there to harm her.

Today when she returned from the college she was looking somewhat disturbed with something.

I decided to talk to her and went inside her room not before knocking the door.

"Bondita what happened?" You looked disturbed I asked her

" I met Nil's sister ( that stupid boy )" she said looking down

"And..."I asked her

_She told me that after nil met me he used to tell everyone that how much he loves me and she can't believe that her brother ran away from marriage when he loved me so much.

There must be something wrong with him or he is in danger" she told me everything

Arghh...this brother-sister duo....

"What do you think about this?" I asked her

"I don't know but I don't care now, I just want to spend my life with you" she said while I smiled

Finally....I got to know that she too have feelings for me.

"Fine don't worry about it I will try to find out about him ( that how is he doing in heaven or hell 😈 ) ok and rest" I said before kissing her forehead and left from there

I have to do something before it's too late...

After few days,

I wanted to inform her someone when I entered her room without knocking and guess what I saw her struggling with the dori of her dress which had a slit from middle giving a good view of her waist.

Her hair was wet and her back cut was deep. I got hypnotist by her and went towards her before standing behind her.

"Can I?" I asked her with husky voice

She was shocked for a second then nodded in yes. I moved all her hair aside and touched her bare back from down to up with back of my fingers.

While she shivered in my touch. I held her dori and lean towards her neck before taking a deep breath of her fragrance.

I looked at her through the mirror and pressed a kiss on her neck. I thought that she will oppose me but she didn't instead she lean back and gave me space to kiss her.

I gave few feathery kisses on her neck and where I was supposed to tie her dori instead of that I was caressing her bare back sensually.

While she was biting her lower lip to control the moan. I nuzzled more into her neck and that's when my phone rang bringing us back to reality.

I moved away from her while we were looking everywhere but not at each other.

I...I am sorry I said and turned to leave but she held my hand...



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Till then bye bye

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