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Bon's pov:

"Lover? Killed? I don't know what you are speaking about...I...I really don't know" I said

"You don't know then look at this" one of the teacher said and handed me a paper

It was a paper written:

Bondita is mine...if anyone dares to do anything bad with her then this will that person's condition 😈

T...this handwriting...I...I know it

Without saying anything I left from there and went back to the mansion. I want answers...answers for all my questions.

Soon I reached home and rushed inside the house whereas Ani was shocked to see me back from college.

He came towards me

"Bondita what are you doing here? Is everything alright? Did anyone bully you?" He asked the last question darkly in a cold voice

"You know anirudh today I got to know that one of the student in the college did suicide but everyone says that it was a murder" I said while he looked at me without any expression

"He must have suicide, he hanged himself in the tree" he said before drinking water

"How did you know that he hanged himself in tree? I didn't said anything to you" I said looking at him with teary eyes

"I... I" he was stammering

"I...It's really killed him why?" I asked him crying while his eyes turned dark

"Because he tried to propose you" he said darkly

"Just for this you killed him" I asked him shockingly

"Yes and it might be small matter for you but it's not for me...because you are mine and I can kill anyone for you. I even killed that damn nil for you" he confessed everything while I stood there crying

"W...why you did all this? Why? Just for me" I asked sobbing

"Yes just for you" he yelled me

From morning I was feeling very weakness and now all this was too much for me digest. I was feeling dizziness and my view was getting blur and the last thing I remember was Ani rushing towards me.

When I opened my eyes I found myself in bed and a lady doctor was checking me. I tried to get up while the doctor helped me. I didn't had the mood to ask her what happened not atleast after all that happened.

But the doctor said something to me which made me shock and happy too.

"Congratulations Mrs Roy Chowdhury you are pregnant"

I kept my hand over my stomach while the doctor left. I am pregnant means a small life is growing inside me. I am going to be a mother of Ani's baby.

It was so overwhelming feeling of knowing that you are going to give birth to a new life. I had tears in my eyes and for a moment I forgot about everything and focused on my baby.

Ani came inside the room

I was confused...what should I say to him? Should I forgot about everything he did and start a new life with our baby but will he agree with it or not?



Will ani agree to it?


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Till then bye bye

HIS OBSESSIVE LOVE ( Completed ✅ ) Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora