Chapter Four

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"I'm not going to push you into something you don't want." Jennie delicately brushes some hair strand to the back of Lisa's ear, voice so husky like a crisp in the morning air.

"Ho- How am i--" Lisa gulp, gasp. She doesn't know. Her state clouded her mind, her thoughts and her decision. The tension is so strong like an angry flash flood and all she wanted to do is just be taken away. Let the current carry her to the promised land. "How can I when you're doing this.. things to me."

"Did someone touch you after..."

"No one has touched me since." Now it's Jennies' turn to gulp from the new acquired information. God knows how every fiber of her body tingles as she spoke those. Her muscles tremble in so much control with eyes tracing every inch of Lisa's enchanting face.


'Say it.' Jennie, in her thoughts. 'Say the word and I'll give you everything you desire, my dear sweet caramel.' Her hand caresses Lisa's face so tenderly and delicately like she was a fragile piece of art. And she is. Lalisa is a walking art of God. No one could ever compare.

Lisa leans on Jennie's touch before drawing her eyes, sparkling with lust. "I want you, Jennie."

It was a symphony in Jennie's ears. An eargasmic flow of such fine orchestrated melody that only Lisa, her Lisa can produce. "That's the only thing I need to hear, sweet Caramel–"


"Yes... Say my name, my sweet Lisa."


"That's right. I'm here. I'll never leave you."


Jennie frowned at the name she's been called. "How did you know about that name, my sunshine?"


Jennie gasps for air and shoots up from where she was lying and snaps to the loathsome swine intruder. "WHAT THE FUCKING HELL!" Her breath was heavily labored. Her eyes bore to the heart-shaped-lipped person, wanting to murder her. Jet black hair, slicked to the back. Suit on point. She watched as the person's face in front of her morphed into something unexplainable.

"It is not my fault that you're still laying there. It's almost ten, Jen. If Yeri didn't ask me, you probably wouldn't be awake by now." Her eyes caught her cousin again, now in the corner pouring herself a cup of coffee. "I didn't see you yesterday. Yeri told me you took a day off... like you are taking a day off and now I was welcomed in my office to wake you up and see you on... that. What in the world are you wearing?!"

"wha-What?" Still disoriented, Jennie looks down to her clothes, white shirt and gray sweatpants. Ten folds formed on her forehead at the sight welcomed her. She turns around and squints at the harsh light coming right at her, attacking her poor eyes. She is in her office. Laying on her teal colored couch, a stack of files scattered on the coffee table in front of her.

"That kid sure is smart to ask me. She would freak out --anyone would freak out if they saw you on that. Well, not everyone I presume. A lot of women would sing in joy if they knew. Have you seen yourself? I thought you don't want anyone to know your little friend down there?"

'The morning rant.' Ah.. the breakfast she is so 'looking' for.

As much as she loves her cousin, she hates this part of her. She should be mad at her for waking her up from that wonderful dream. She's almost there. But reality fuck you like an asshole and now she is having her not so appetizing breakfast sponcored by her loving cousin, Kim Jisoo.

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