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ONE YEAR LATER (One year after the events of Chapter 23 of Devil in Disguise)

《Selena Arabella Calos》

"Hey, babe," Alex says, throwing an arm around my shoulders.

"Hey, Lexi," I reply, smiling and he rolls his eyes.

"You should stop calling me that now- I am your boyfriend."

I smile in amusement. "Yeah, not happening."

"That's what you said about us dating and look at where we are now- celebrating our six-month-anniversary."

Alex asked me out again six months ago and despite not being ready to date again, I said yes. I was hoping dating Alex would help me get over Daniel- it did not work.

Alex knows why I agreed to date him, and he claims that he the reason does not matter to him but I see how he gets when he thinks something reminds me of Daniel. I try to hide it most of the time because if Alex knew that everything I do reminds me of Daniel, I know he would be heartbroken.

I roll my eyes at him. "There's no such thing as a six-month-anniversary."

"There is for me," he replies and I shake my head in mock disapproval.

"You're impossible."

Alex smirks at me. "I'm your best friend would you expect anything less?"

"Jerk," I mutter, trying to resist the urge to smile and he laughs.

"Cheer up, babe. We are finally done with the semester."

I run my fingers through my hair. "God, you're right. But, you know, I will miss it."


I smirk. "No. Me and Alessandro annoying the professors till they kick us out of class."

Alex shakes his head, feigning disappointment, but there is a small smile on his face.

I push him playfully. "Come on, you have to admit- it was funny."

His lips lift into a small smile. "It won't be funny when both of you end up failing."

"Oh, please. You're just jealous that even though we are having more fun than you both of us will get straight As."

Alex mutters something under his breath and I narrow my eyes at him. He better not be cursing at me and Alessandro.

"What did you just say?"

"I just said how lucky I am to have you, darling."


He rolls his eyes and kisses my head. "Remember when that waiter gave you his number and I destroyed it."

I try to ignore how my heart squeezes at the mention of that day. It was the day it all started- it was the day I met Daniel.

"Of course I do. You have always been a jerk."

He flicks my forehead. Ow. "Back then, I could never imagine us ending up here. So much has changed since then."

In ways, he is right. In others- not so much. One man occupied my mind then and the same man does so today. Except I did not know him as much as I do now. I did not love him as much as I do now. I had not had my heart broken by him then like I do now.

"Stop acting all cute and mushy and lets go and get some food!" Blake says, pouting as he marches up to us.

"I swear to God, I am going to kill him," Alex mutters making me laugh. This hasn't changed either.

Betrothed to The Devil (Devil in Disguise Duet #2)Where stories live. Discover now