Chapter 11

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《Selena Arabella Calos》

Daniel walks into my room just as I finish applying my makeup. I feel his presence before I see him walking towards me in the mirror. He looks like a manifestation of my dreams- with his tailored suit and perfectly styled dark hair. I try not to let my thoughts wander to how perfect we look together, but it's hard not to when he is standing so close to me I can feel the body heat emanating from him. 

He leans down, wraps his arm around my waist and nibbles at my ear, sending shivers down my spine and making my thoughts go wild. 

"I have half a mind to cancel all of today's meetings and spend the day seeing how many times I can make you come before you pass out," he murmurs, his breath hot on my skin, causing goosebumps to form on my arms.

I try not to react to him, but it is difficult because, holy shit, that was hot. My mind wanders to all the possibilities of what he could do to me, making me blush even more. He looks in the mirror to see my expression and smirks when he sees my face turning red. "But I promised you a perfect wedding, so we'll have to wait until tonight for me to test that."

I close my eyes, feeling dizzy because of my racing heart, and rest my head on his shoulder, ready to tell him to cancel the meetings, but before I can, he pulls away from me. I feel a pang of disappointment in my chest but try to ignore it.

My eyes snap open just in time to see him slide a ring onto my left ring finger. Oh my God. I lift my hand to examine the ring; my movement is almost robotic because I am so shocked, and my eyes widen in amazement. The ring is breathtaking, with a flawless princess-cut diamond and smaller stones surrounding it.

"This is the family ring. You'll get another, more personalised ring at our engagement party," he explains when I do not say anything.

I furrow my eyebrows in confusion. "Then why are you giving me this?"

"So everyone knows you are mine," he says like it is the obvious answer in the world.

I cannot help but smile at his possessiveness. "Has anyone ever told you that you are borderline psychotic?"

"Just borderline? You're not giving me enough credit, Bellissima," he replies, and my smile widens at his rare playful banter. His eyes meet mine, and a brief smile appears on his face before he wipes it away with the back of his hand.

"Let's go. Mamma is waiting for us downstairs," he says, brushing his lips against my forehead before sliding his hand into mine and pulling me out of the room. I stare at our intertwined hands as I follow him downstairs, feeling my body tense up. I am allowing myself to get way too comfortable around him again. I need to distance myself before he hurts me or, worse, before I fall in love with him again.

"Selena," Elena greets me, hugging me tightly, and I can't help but feel comforted by her embrace. "I feel like it has been so long since I last saw you. How are you?"

I smile warmly at Elena, feeling comforted by her motherly demeanour. She has been a maternal figure in my life in a way that my own mother never was. 

"It has been too long. I have just been so occupied at the office these days, but hopefully, we will get to spend more time together," I explain.

Elena nods, her eyes brightening. "Yes, we will. Especially with the wedding getting closer." She glances over at Daniel, and her eyes narrow slightly as she turns back to me. "How is he treating you?"

Daniel rolls his eyes, clearly irritated by his mother's lack of trust in him. "Thank you for having so much faith in me, Mamma," he replies sarcastically.

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