Chapter 7

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《Daniel Nicholas Castello》

When I want things, I get them without giving a fuck about the consequences. Most of the time, the consequences are people's lives, but it was worse last night- I nearly lost all my self-control. I don't usually lose control, even when I am at my worst, which means I don't have any regrets- a necessity in the Cosa Nostra. Regret can kill more than anything or anyone else. This is why I hate the loss of self-control I experience when I am around a certain brunette. When we are alone, everything else ceases to exist, and I do things I regret later. It pisses me off.

I regret every time I smiled at her. I regret every moment I allowed myself to care for her and let her see I did. But mostly, I regret sleeping with her because she asked me to. I should have said no as soon as she asked- but something about how she asked me made it impossible for me to do so. At that moment, she looked like the girl I knew years ago- vulnerable and scared. I still cannot help but be protective of that girl. I did not regret it when I did it, but when we woke up in the morning, I knew I had made a mistake because suddenly I wanted that. I wanted everything to return to how it was- when she chose to be mine. That was when I remembered everything she did and how things ended, and I realised things could never be the same again. I may be possessive, even protective of her, but everything about her pisses me off. 

When I saw her wrapped around Chevalier, fuck, I wanted to kill him in front of her, just to show her the consequences of letting anyone touch what's mine. But I fucking couldn't. If I had, she would always think of him when she saw me and always see me as the villain. I have no problem with the latter, but I would kill her and myself if the former happened.

I have found a way around that little problem, though. I can make his death look like an accident and fuck Selena into forgetting him- that way, she won't think of him whenever she is with me. I just need to figure out the logistics of it all now. 

"Whose murder are you planning?" Rafael asks me, his voice sounding bored, but his grey eyes are shining with excitement.

"Chevalier," I reply in an equally bored tone. 

Raf frowns. "I'm doing business with his father, Ace. You can't kill him yet."

I narrow my eyes at him. "The fuck I can't."

He sighs in exasperation, running his hand through his hair. "I said you can't yet, motherfucker. The deal with be closed in four months, and after that, you can do whatever the fuck you want to. Hell, I will help you kill the fucker."

I am tempted to say no, but Raf has rarely asked me for anything, and I owe him a lot of favours, so I know I should not. 

"And what if he tries something with Selena in the meanwhile?"

Raf raises his shoulders. "Kidnap him, torture him, do whatever the fuck you can to make his life a living hell but keep him alive."

"Four months, Moretti, not a day longer," I tell him coolly, and he nods.

"I have a question," Rafael says after a moment of silence. I narrow my eyes at the amused expression on his face.


He grins slyly.  "Was Selena's reaction that bad?" 

My jaw clenches in annoyance. If I wasn't so attached to the motherfucker I might have killed him for looking so smug.

"Why the fuck do you care?" 

"Might be because of your awfully chipper mood today," he mutters sarcastically.

"My chipper mood is because someone killed my fucking supplier."

I am not being completely honest. My bad mood is because of Selena and Chevalier, the dead supplier was just the cherry on top.

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