Chapter 4

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Daniel Nicholas Castello》

I have always known that I am a fucked up person- maybe even the most fucked up person on Earth. But sitting in front of my future father-in-law, I am starting to doubt that.

"Your wife is fucking insane if she thinks I am going to bring my fiancée's sister as a date to a dinner where our engagement will be announced," I tell him, and he sighs in exasperation.

"Aurora does not want Layla to miss out on a family dinner," Vincente clarifies, but judging the look on his face, I can tell he hates the idea.

I narrow my eyes at him. Why does he not call out Aurora for her behaviour towards Selena?

"Selena has missed plenty of family dinners- neither of you did anything then."

He runs his hand through his hair, looking guilty. "I know."

"Tell your wife no, then."

Vincente huffs. "She will make my daughter's life more difficult if I do. It is better to give in to her demands. At least she won't treat my daughter worse if I do."

I roll my eyes. I know he loves Selena more than anything, but I do not understand why he does not stand up for her against his wife. It is like he does not want to offend his wife by standing up for his daughter.

"You owe me another one for this- a big one," I tell him, and he nods, relieved.

"I know."

"Tell Layla to meet me at my office at eight; I am not going to fucking pick her up too."


"Mr Castello, Ms Calos is waiting for you outside," Stacy tells me through the intercom.

I roll my eyes. So what should I do? "Let her wait. I am finishing my work."

"Of course."

I am not working on anything important right now, but I do not want to spend more time with Layla than I have to. That and I am pissed off at her mother, so I am taking it out on her. I know she does not deserve it- she is a sweet girl who has done nothing wrong, but I need to get my anger out somehow, and I cannot exactly do anything to my mother-in-law. Although, if I think about it, my fiancée would not mind it if I were to kill her mother accidentally.

I shake my head, annoyed at my thoughts, and return to my work.


"Daniel! There you are! I have been waiting for you for almost an hour now," Layla says as soon as she sees me, and I resist the urge to roll my eyes. Her voice is so loud and shrill that it makes my ears hurt.

"I was busy," I reply brusquely, walking past her towards my car.

She picks up her bag from the couch and rushes after me. "I know. Your secretary told me. She is very rude, by the way- I tried to come into your office, and she told me I could not, and then she asked me to come to wait down here like I am some sort of-"

"My orders," I interrupt, already tired of her incessant whining.

"Oh. What's that in your hand?" She points to the manila envelope containing the revised contract.

For fucks sake, why does this girl not know how to mind her own damn business by now?

When I don't reply, she changes the subject. "So, are you excited about Selena finding out about both of you today?"

"Ecstatic," I mutter curtly.

"You don't look it."

I narrow my eyes at her before opening the car door and sitting inside. I do not know how I will get through this evening between this girl unnecessarily talking and her sister's indifference. I would prefer it if it were the other way around because I have always found Selena's voice beautiful regardless of how much I hate her.

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