Strange Phenomenon - Y/ns?!

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Third person POV

After a month had passed since Moro's defeat, Y/n and Kefla had been living peacefully. They'd do light sparring sessions, watch their favorite TV shows, and play videogames. Previously, Y/n had been taking care of West City while Gohan was away. But now, Y/n could spend every waking moment with the woman he loved. Life was good, fantastic even. Unfortunately, Son Y/n was a magnet for trouble.

One day, as Y/n and Kefla sat outside watching the clouds, a hole is seemingly ripped in the sky. Alarmed, the two immediately stand up and brace themselves for combat. But nothing happens, at least, not at first. But soon, a figure begins plummeting towards the ground from the portal. Y/n flies up to intercept and catch the figure when he realizes it's a man, but upon catching the man, Y/n becomes unnerved.

Seeing the look on her fiance's face, Kefla calls out to him. After all, Y/n had seen pretty much everything, and if he was perplexed, something was wrong.

Kefla: What's wrong honey?

Y/n doesn't respond, instead, he lands next to her and shows her the man.

Kefla gasps and covers her mouth. In Y/n's arms was... Y/n, or at least, someone who looked identical. Battle damaged and covered in blood.

Kefla: What's going on?!

Y/n: I'm about to find out.

~ Small Timeskip brought to you by Chibi Y/n rubbing Chibi Kefla's stomach ~

The man who looks like Y/n slowly opens his eyes, then bolts upright, looking around frantically. All he could see was walls all around him and a dimly lit room.

Y/n(?): Where am I? What's going on?

Suddenly, he hears a voice strikingly similar to his own.

???: You tell me.

The Y/n lookalike spins around and he narrows his eyes. There, in the darkest corner of the room, was someone who looked exactly like him. No, that couldn't be. He had to have been seeing things because of the dark, but almost like this stranger was reading his mind, he steps into the light. He looked exactly like him, but his hair was somewhat longer.

Y/n: I figured you'd rather believe that our identical appearance was a trick due to the darkness of this room. So here I am. We're both in the light now.

Y/n(?): What's the meaning of this?! My world is in great peril!

Y/n raises his hands in an attempt to calm his doppelganger.

Y/n: I need you to answer some questions. And don't even think about trying something cute, like attacking me. I would demolish you, but I doubt you'd believe that and I figured you'd attack anyway. That's why we're here. Does this place look familiar to you?

Y/n(?): No, I've never seen this room. But judging by the nearby power levels, I'd say this is Capsule Corporation.

Y/n nods and crosses his arms.

Y/n: You're correct, this is Capsule Corporation. I had Bulma build this room in case someone needed to be imprisoned. Now, tell me... What's your name?

The man raises his brow, but complies.

Y/n(?): I am... Y/n.

Y/n's eyes widen slightly.

Y/n: That's not possible... Unless you're from the future.

Y/n 2: Future?

Y/n: Who is threatening your world right this instant, tell me!

Y/n 2: Wha...? It's Omega Shenron, haven't you seen what it looks like outside?! And who the hell are you?!

' Omega... Shenron...? And what's he mean about what it looks like outside? It's a beautiful day... ' Y/n thought to himself.

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