Conclusive Battle! Ultra Instinct Warrior vs God Slayer!

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Third person POV

The Ultra Instinct Warrior and the God Killer stare each other down before rushing each other, drawing their fists back and throwing a punch, their fists colliding and shaking not only the time rift, but all of the universes, even Zen-Oh's palace.

Y/n ( God Slayer ): After I take your power, defeating Zen-Oh and his pets will be a cakewalk!

Y/n: You really are a monster.

Y/n ( God Slayer ): I am what the Gods have made me!

They leap backwards to distance themselves from each other, the God Slayer then leaps into the air and forms a giant sphere of energy.

Y/n ( God Slayer ): I wonder how well you'll handle this!

Y/n cracks his neck and cups his hands together, kneeling down and pulling his arms back. An image of Master Roshi, Krillin, Yamcha, Goku, Gohan, and Goten forming behind him as a rainbow colored sphere of energy begins forming between his palms.

Y/n: Ka... Me... Ha... Me...!

Y/n ( God Slayer ): Haha, that's the spirit!

Y/n ( Assassin ): Their power is unreal...

Y/n ( GT ): You can do it, Y/n!

The God Killer launches his attack, a smirk on his face.

Y/n ( God Slayer ): Choke on that!

Y/n's eyes glow and his aura flares up some as he finishes the Kamehameha wave, the images of the others colliding into an image of himself as he thrusts his hands forward, launching the blast.

Y/n: HAAA!!!

The blast collides with the God Killer's sphere and in an instant, drills straight through it, the attack engulfing the God Slayer.

Y/n slowly lowers his hands and wipes a bead of sweat off his nose as he stands up straight.

Y/n: Don't think you can pull that shit again!

He spins around and swings his leg out for a drop kick, but his kick is blocked by the God Killer's forearm.

Y/n ( God Slayer ): How perceptive! I'm actually excited!

The God Slayer goes for a punch, but the Ultra Instinct Warrior catches his fist. Then Y/n goes for a kick, but his attack is intercepted by the God Slayer's knee. After that, they jump away again, the God Slayer launching a barrage of Ki blasts at the Ultra Instinct Warrior, who manages to avoid all the attacks.

Y/n: Hmp...!

The God Slayer then launches a larger blast at the Ultra Instinct Warrior, however, Y/n catches the blast with one hand and crushes it.

Y/n: I'm done playing games, God Slayer... Now get ready.

He disappears and reappears before hitting the God Slayer with a flurry of punches, an image of a wolf and Yamcha appearing in front of him.

Y/n: Wolf Fang Fist!

He slams his palms into the God Slayer, sending him flying backwards. He then makes a triangle shape with his hands and an image of Tien appears behind him.

Y/n: Tri Beam!

The attack hits the God Killer and sends him even further back.

After a moment, the God Slayer stands up again, some blood flowing from his mouth.

{ Discontinued } Burning Desire of a Super Saiyan ( Male reader x Kefla )Where stories live. Discover now