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Occlumency lessons with Snape had come to an end with Harry, Atlas didn't know why, Harry wouldn't tell the truth, always rattling off something about carrying on by himself. She didn't buy it but she hadn't asked because every time she made to, Harry would look so sad she lost all nerve. So it had become a taboo topic, one Hermione seemed to have no qualms breaching on. She brought it up every moment she could, telling Harry he really ought to go back to Snape or reprimanding him for brushing it off. 

Atlas understood, she really did, Hermione's worries weren't unwarranted, in fact, they were completely justified. Harry needed to learn how to block Voldemort out, lest the Dark Lord become aware of their connection and use it in his favour. But, Atlas didn't say anything, Harry was getting enough reminders from Hermione and considering they were coming into OWL season, the summer term in full swing, Atlas didn't think he needed the extra stress.

Hermione hadn't been happy about her inaction.

Right now, however, Atlas didn't need to worry about Hermione's scalding gaze, instead, she could sit back and relax, looking up at the dark starry sky of the Divination room as Firenze retold a story of his youth. For what reason, Atlas didn't know, she didn't even know which story he was telling, too busy looking up at the swirling stars, constantly in motion and replicating what they looked like from the beginning of time to the here and now.

Ron was beside her, snoring inappropriately loud but not so much it was distracting any of the enamoured listeners from Firenze's passionate retelling and on her other side, a blank space, untaken. Harry was at a careers meeting, one where they would discuss their future jobs. Which Atlas didn't have to attend. Luckily, she already knew what she wanted to do and was aware of the grades she needed, so Minerva had said she could sit this out. Whether it was because of that aforementioned reason or because Umbridge would be overseeing the entire thing, Atlas wasn't sure. Either way, she was thankful.

The bell rang and the dazed students jolted to life, letting out quiet groans when Firenze declared he would finish the story next time. Atlas grabbed her bag and kicked Ron lightly as she stood, grimacing when she stretched out her back and felt it weep, soaking into the patch. She needed to get it changed again, she had changed it once during the Easter holiday, Winky was an absolute star when it came to dressing it but it seemed she'd need to make another trip. Not that the elves would mind.

"Atlas Magianima," Atlas stopped, a groggy Ron stumbling to a stop behind her. "Atlas Magianima, a word."

" go on Ron," Atlas said, nudging the boy toward the exit.

"We've got Defense Against the Dark Arts next, you can't be late," Ron frowned, awakening slowly. Atlas smiled and shook her head, motioning for him to get moving which he eventually did after another measly protest.

"This won't take long," Firenze promised and Atlas turned, looking up at him curiously. "Atlas Magianima, have you been harmed?"

"Pardon?" Atlas asked, suddenly rigid as the grip she had around her bag tightened.

"There is a disturbance within you, though you have always been rife with chaos, I sense a difference," Firenze said simply and Atlas shuffled, furrowing her brows. "If you do not wish to tell me, that is fine, however, if you are injured, it might interest you to know any plants within this room are not artificial, their properties are just as beneficial as those found in the Forest. As a centaur, I know the properties of most plants that humans do not and as your friend, I will impart some of this knowledge to you."

" you --?" Atlas chewed her words over, adjusting her weight from foot to foot. She had just been thinking of this, so it would be worth a shot, "do you have anything for burns?"

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