Chapter 1

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★ Mindy ★

I listened intently as Mr.Kelp, my Biology teaher, explained the parts of the Circulatory system. I jotted down notes even though I still remembered most of this from middle school. I couldn't take the risk of forgetting and then getting a "B" or worse on the test next week. Hell no.

"Who knows what the main artery of the heart is?" Mr.Kelp asked suddenly, turning to face the class and tapping his foot impatiently.

My arm shot up. I knew this without even thinking. The other students sunk down in their chairs while some snickered at the fact that I'm always the first one, or only one, to raise my hand.

Mr.Kelp sighed. "Yes, Miss Greene?"

I smiled politely. "The answer is the Aorta, Sir."

"That is correct." Mr.Kelp praised me. "The Aorta is in fact the main artery in the heart." He turned back towards the board and began to explain the function of the lungs as he scribbled notes on the board. I quickly began to copy them down.

"Psst! Mindy!" A voice whispered. I frowned and began to turn around at the sound of my name when something that felt like paper hit the back of my head. I brought my attention back to my notes, ignoring the snickering and pretending not to care. I was used to this kind of treatment. Being smart just wasn't enough in this world. Apparently you needed the looks, the money, and the friends to be somebody. Me? I don't have the looks, I don't have the money, I only have two friends, and so that makes me a Nobody. Do I care? Not at all. Not as long as I had my family and friends. The populars didn't intimidate me. I am my own person and I'm proud of that.

Suddenly the bell rang, interrupting Mr.Kelp's lecture. I stacked my books on top of each other and balances them between my arms as I stood up.

"Don't forget, your homework is to finish up your essay on the immune system!" Mr.Kelp yelled after the students who were already out the door. I scrambled out after them, making my way through the crowded hall and towards my locker.

"Need help?" Collin appeared beside me, my best and only guy friend who I've known almost my entire life. His short, black hair was toulsed and his brown eyes waited for me to answer his question.

I smiled, pushing my stack of textbooks towards him. "Why yes, I do need help."

Collin made face, taking the books and following me to my locker. "I was hoping you'd say no." He smirked.

I rolled my eyes, reaching my locker and prying it open. "Where's Erin?" I asked him.

"In-School Detention." He answered calmly, handing me my mess of textbooks.

I shoved them into my locker. "Again?"

"Yep." Collin nodded. "She talked back to Mrs.Harrison."

"Talked back?" I snorted.

Collin snickered. "Ok, she cursed at Mrs.Harrison."

"Erin has got to control her anger." I sighed dramatically. "Do you have chess club today?"

Collin shook his head. "Nope. I'm all yours."

"Is that supposed be a good thing?" I teased.

"Only if you promise not to study too hard." He joked.

I rolled my eyes, slamming my locker shut. "I have to finish my biology essay."

Collin pouted. "You're always busy."

I shrugged. "That's not a bad thing."

"Too much of a good thing can become bad." Collin frowned. "You're always studying. Take a break and live a little."

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