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"It would be my genuine pleasure" she said quietly and Tom's eyes lit up recognising the quote. She smiled shyly.
" Good" said a totally oblivious Dave, " now I have to drop Tom at the shop then take you home, so lets boogie". He stood up waiting for them. As the three of them walked, Tom put a hand on Daves shoulder,
"Why dont I take Jamie home? We're both in town, sort of, but you live back up the coast. Makes more sense for me to, its on my way im sure " he turned to Jamie, " if that's ok with you love?"
Jamie smiled enigmatically hiding yhe seething fangirl inside " Thanks - as long as you really dont mind" she managed.
"Settled then" Dave said as they swung out into traffic.

10 minutes later, they stopped at Toms hire car. A beautiful blue F-type Jag convertible. Jamie almost passed out with excitement, they only ever hired minibuses. This was beyond her wildest fantasy.

Dave headed off with a "see ya at Tabaiba at 930 sharp" and they were alone. Tom, ever the gentleman, came and opened the door for her "your chariot m'lady" he said bowing. Jamie curtseyed and thanked him, sliding into the luxurious interior. The rich leather smell reminded her a little of Tom's aftershave and it made her smile to herself.

Tom folded himself neatly into the car, started it then before he moved, said " thankyou Jamie for today. It really meant alot. That's a story for another time though, I have a feeling you and I are going to be great buddies. " he took a deep breath and her hand, and kissed it. His lips lingered over her knuckles, his eyes locked on hers. Her stomach did somersaults and for the second time that day, a little 'oh' escaped.

He put her hand down , suddenly looking uncertain and she wondered if he was embarrassed at her reaction. Dammit she thought, he's just being nice and you're acting like a total idiot. What she didn't , couldn't know, was it wasn't embarrassment made him stop, it was the overwhelming desire to kiss her. Properly, with all the feeling that was now coursing through him. He was shocked at the depth of his own feelings for someone he'd just met, he was also afraid she would think he was just using his fame and scare her off. Flirting with fruit was one thing, this, he thought, was quite another.

They avoided the elephant in the car as they rode home by discussing directions for the next day. As everyone from her side was going, it was easier to meet at the site. Tom had agreed to take his car too so Dave would have room for all the extra tanks. They fell into companionable silence after that, each in their own world, only speaking as she gave him directions home. It wasn't awkward exactly, more 'careful'. When they drew up at the villa, to her eternal shame, the family were peering out the windows. Dave it would seem, had spilled the beans.

"Oh dear God" she shrunk into the seat her hands pressed to her face. Tom sniggered quietly in the drivers seat. She was so cute when she got flustered. She was so cute full stop. He leant over and said in her ear, hardly believing his luck,
"Then we better give them something to look at then, hadnt we?"

She turned to him, her eyes a mixture of shock and delight. She didn't speak just nodded, he paused, unsure how far she wanted to, felt comfortable to take this, so he just took her in his arms, holding her close, face in her hair but sneakily looking up at the house. He whispered into her ear, his breath on her neck, " they're about coming through the glass." And he felt her giggle in his embrace. For a moment they sat, neither quite sure about the next move. Each not wanting to scare the other and spoil...what exactly?

Eventually, Jamie said,
" Ok, I think that's probably enough for today" she said, unable to believe she was pulling away. As she looked at him, there was something in his face that to her fevered brain said stay. Rubbish she thought to herself, he's just acting to wind up the guys in the villa. But hey, it was nice while it lasted. Tom smiled softly then got out and came and opened her door, bowing as he did so.
"Sir Thomas...." she desperately tried to think of an appropriate quote but failed. Tom on the other hand, always a master said
"Parting is such sweet sorrow" and kissed her hand again.

She could hear the gasps from the house. As she looked at him, head low, bowing to her as he did so, she had the oddest feeling she might have missed out on the chance of a lifetime.
Inwardly groaning, she turned away to go in.
" see you at Tabaiba...Buddy" she gave him a little wave. He smiled, a few more flowers bloomed and then he jumped into the car over the door, and revving the engine, drove away, waving over his head as he did so.
For a minute,she stared after him, her hand pressed to her neck where only moments before, his lips had been.

What the hell just happened between them. Why hadnt he kissed her? She felt somewhere deep down he'd wanted to and God knows she would have respi ded in kind, but he hadn't. Was it all in her head? What was she even THINKING. He was a Hollywood star, and her? A nobody he'd just met. She remembered the melon incident and her butterflies returned. He was an actor Jamie, get a grip. She sighed and went in. She had alot of explaining to do.

As Tom drove away, it would have seemed he was roaring the engine to show off his expensive sports car. In fact, he was letting out the frustration of being a total idiot. She'd been right there. In front of him. He'd never get a better chance. He slapped the steering wheel in annoyance. Why didnt he just kiss her? Why go for a hug. Did he stupidly believe she'd fallen already? Like he had?

As he drew up to his villa, he stopped and looked at himself in the car mirror. You're an old romantic Hiddleston, he told himself. Just because you have lost your head and heart, doesnt mean she has. She'll think youre just doing the 'big shot actor' thing. Could she possibly? Would she ever? Could he make it right? All these things ran through his head and ge rubbed his hands over his face and into his hair. Getting his phone out , he looked at his emails for....ah there it was. The file with the photos. He scrolled till he came to the one of them 'kissing' underwater. He smiled and his stomach clenched. He'd have to send it to her. Tomorrow, he'd ger her email address tomorrow. With luck, he might be able to win her heart. If only he could be sure she felt the same?

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