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There was a small pub just up the road from the station and they found a table at the window where they could talk. Luke bought her a white wine and himself a typically English pint of something that hopefully tasted better than it looked! As he stood at the bar, she looked out the window at the passers by. How, in the city of over 9million souls give or take, did they meet? Fate. Or stalking. She smiled to herself and Luke caught a glimpse just as he returned with their order.

"Something's amusing you, what ? Is my fly undone or something?" he quipped as he handed the wine glass to her. She shook her head, still smiling.

"No, just wondering if this is fate or good old fashioned stalking?" she held her glass out "Whatever it turn out to be, cheers!" Luke smiled and toasted with her. Sinking a good long swallow, he put down the pint. He seemed, well, nervous or at least a little on edge. "Much as I'm, enjoying a nice glass of Sauvignon " she said "I think we need to address the 6'2" elephant in the room don't you?"

"Yes. Yes we do. That's why I need to talk to you." Luke was younger up close than he seemed initially and Jamie wondered exactly how he got into this line of work. A conversation for another day - she hoped. "you see, stalking isn't too far from the truth." he looked sheepishly at her, fiddling with his cuff, much like she'd seen Tom do. Was it a man thing? Or just a Tom thing that rubbed off. She mentally shook herself. Focus Jamie, focus.

"Oh? " she tried to sound casual but her faithful little inner voice friend started to sing again. "how so? T-T-Tom" she stammered, not quite wanting even to say his name in public "wouldn't have known I was coming or where I was staying or quite frankly anything about me for the last few weeks." It wasn't an accusation, more a statement of fact. Luke nodded.

"It wasn't Tom, it was Peter. He got in touch with me through Tom's Agent. The joy of the internet. Told me you were coming, where you were staying and what things you planned to do. It was only a matter of time."

"WHAT?" her voice rose several registers, although her volume remained barely a whisper. "He WHAT?" she sat, head in hands, mind reeling. "WHY?"

"Why do you think? He's worried about you. Knew you'd lied about leaving Tom, knew there was something more to it that you two needed to sort out. We talked quite a bit, him and me. He's very fond of you, wants you to be happy".

"I am happy" she lied "I'm fine. I've accepted what happened " under his steady gaze she felt herself falter" I just want.." The last of her facade crumbled and she looked up at Luke, her eyes wet with tears. He looked at her with a sympathetic smile and reached out a hand, covering hers.

"It's ok, he misses you too Jamie" and at that she covered her face and wept.

He shuffled his chair round to her side of the small table. Put his arm around her and let her cry into his shoulder. To anyone watching, a man comforting a crying woman, nothing more. From inside, it felt to Jamie like the weight of the last weeks was being lifted. He missed her, he really missed her.

"I'm so sorry" she sniffed into his now soggy suede shoulder "I'm sorry for being such a weak fool". She pulled back, wiping her eyes on her sleeve for lack of anything better.

"Love is not a weakness Jamie" was his reply, handing her a napkin he'd got with the drinks, "Love is a very powerful emotion. Especially when you have to fight for it."

"But how can I fight Luke. He's - they're - it's over between me and him. You of all people should know that Even if things were different he wouldn't want me now. I told him I couldn't wait in vain hope. He thinks... I don't love him any more." she couldn't keep the tone of her voice anything other than defeated.

"Now that, my dear Jamie, is just where you're wrong and why I am here in the first place." he looked at her in what she could only describe as triumph. "I have news for you that will change everything. I promise." he lifted his pint taking another long swallow, his eyes twinkling over the rim. He had definitely spent too long in the company of the God of Mischief she thought to herself with a wry smile.

Over the next 20 minutes or so, Luke changed her world completely. There was to be a press announcement tomorrow that due to pressures of work and other personal considerations, Tom and Emily had decided to part ways. Tom would take the fall.

They had finally found a way out of the mess that meant she wouldn't dare hang around to cause trouble. Moral blackmail. In return for Tom appearing to call things off and be the bad one, what wouldn't be in the announcement was the fact that she had been cheating on him from the word go. With her plastic surgeon no less. They had eventually been photographed at a intimate little club in Kensington on a night where she had told Tom she was sick. Too sick to appear with him at a charity dinner. A full confession was forthcoming, begging forgiveness, but there was no way back for her this time. It was made crystal clear. The only downside for Tom, apart from the temporary press attention to his love life, was the thought Jamie wouldn't take him back. But at least he would be free to try.

"So that's how she afforded them then eh?" murmured Jamie as she digested the information, Luke almost spit his drink across the bar.

"Bwahahaha! So I'm not the only one that thinks that eh?" was his beer stained reply. "Now listen, " he went on "Tom doesn't know that I'm meeting you . In fact he doesn't even know you're in London and for now, I need to keep it that way. It sounds horrible and manipulative, but I need him to be focussed. The press are going to have a field day, not only skewering him about the split, but when they discover the actual truth...."his eyes reflected a dark malevolent streak that no-one would have suspected. "And believe me, they'll find out". she looked at him, admiration growing more every second. "How long are you here for? Where are you staying?"

"Only another couple of days - at The Savoy" she was almost embarrassed to admit the amount of money she had spent.

"Fine, extend your stay - no in fact I'll contact them - get you another couple of weeks." He held up his hand as she started to object "Don't worry I'll get Peter to Fed-ex your laptop you can work from here meantime. And no. It wont cost you a penny. We can write it off and if not, I'll foot the damn bill myself if I have to. It's the only way to make things right - for both of you". Now the malevolence was replaced by the look of a loyal friend who would do anything to help his best mate, not just his employer.

"Luke I don't know what to say?" she was astounded not only by the news but the generosity of this man whom she had only just met. What had she done to deserve it? Nothing except fall in love.

"Don't say anything, just be here when he discovers you do still love him. I have a feeling that might happen soon" and he smiled wickedly "in the next two weeks I'd say".

They finished their drinks and Luke stood up, "Right, it'll be a couple of days before I'm in tough again DO NOT PANIC and DO NOT LEAVE ok?" he kissed her cheek, "You know, if Tom hadn't snapped you up, I would've " he smiled and winked at her. "Speak to you in a couple of days. Here-" he passed her his business card "in case of emergencies - or not. Even if you just need to talk, I know it's been a lot to take in today but you seem exactly the person to deal with it. Remember no matter what you see or hear in the next few days, Tom loves you. Never forget that." With that he was off, melting into the crowd. If it hadn't been for the lingering taste of the wine and the card now in her hand, it was almost as if he hadn't ever existed. She turned to go to the Tube, if she had to wait she definitely needed the distraction, the Museum it was.

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