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"Does.. does this mean you're ready to go home?" the words echoed in her head, the sadness in his voice dispelling any remaining doubts she might have had.

"No darling" she said, turning to him and putting a gentle hand on his arm " I have never been LESS ready to go home in my entire life" and she reached up and kissed his cheek. He'd been sitting facing ahead, eyes closed like he was waiting for judgement. Her heart lurched as she realised he had doubted she wanted to be with him. Now though, he snapped his eyes open and turned to her, grinning like he'd won the lottery. It made her feel so, well, wanted and she loved him all the more for it. He grabbed her hand, kissed it without a word and started the engine.

Tom drove off, hardly able to contain his feelings. This was more than he'd dared hope for. She actually wanted to be with him, after everything that had happened. As he drove away, his mind raced. He NEVER got so involved so early on with someone, he was the epitome of slow and cautious. He'd been burned before, sometimes very publicly. What on earth had come over him? As he looked at her in the dark, the streetlights flashing across her face as they drove, he knew. She had quite literally, captured him. She deserved the world and he would do his utmost to give it to her. She deserved to be treated with respect, love and care. And she deserved to be romanced. Not just wham bam thankyou ma'am, not that that was in his nature anyway, but he was determined to do this properly. Yep, he smiled to himself as they drove, he was an old romantic for sure. And if it was romance that was required, he knew exactly where to go with that.

As they pulled away, Jamie looked over at Tom and he looked so happy at her answer, she could have cried. Poor man, as if there was ever any doubt she wanted to be with him. How could he have doubted her. She looked out the window as they drove. She never did this, she wasn't the type to just fall into bed with anyone, even if they were Tom Hiddleston. Somehow though, she doubted that was actually his plan. There was more to him than just some quick fun, something in his actions, his words, said undeniably this wasn't just a fling. She felt a thrill when she saw them pass the turning for her house, this was really happening. Then, as they passed the turning for the area Tom had said he was staying she was puzzled as well. She didn't say anything though, just looked over at him and smiled. He glanced and nodded

"Oh yes, another surprise my Pet" Loki said with a sly smile. She shivered with anticipation, feeling the pit of her stomach clench as the silken voice continued "Tonight my pet, I shall take care of you. Show you the 9 Realms, let you see what your Prince would give to you, give up for you. My Little Midgardian Mermaid" then he laughed, low and quiet. She almost passed out there and then.

"Oh my Prince, " she breathed, barely able to speak, "Have you ANY idea what you're doing to me?"

"Ehehe , no my Pet, but I'm aching to find out"

Just at that, they turned off the main road and drove down through a small village towards the coast. It wasn't one Jamie had been to before, but it seemed quiet and sleepy at this time of night, no crowds and more importantly no photographers. Tom explained he'd found it while exploring the coastline a few days before they'd met. They would be quite safe here.

They parked up outside a little tapas bar, still open at this time in the Spanish fashion of "rise late, stay late" and as he helped her out the car, he pulled her to him in a lingering kiss. Loki had most definitely gone as Tom looked down at her, his eyes searching hers, full of desire but still unsure. "Drink darling?" she nodded and they walked fingers entwined to a table outside the bar and sat down. The evening was warm and a few stars started to peek out above them.

There were few locals, and none that recognised him, so it was perfect. The waiter wandered over, a small balding rotund man with a wide smile and absolutely no English it seemed. But he was friendly enough, clapping Tom on the shoulder "Ah Hola de nuevo Senor, Buenos Noches! (hello again sir, good evening)" he nodded to Jamie " ahora con tu encantadora Esposa!! (and now with your lovely wife!!)" who, although her Spanish was rusty, managed to catch the encantadora- and blushed furiously.

"Si, muy hermosa. Soy un hombre afortunado! (Yes, very beautiful, I am a lucky man!)" Tom looked at her steadily, his face not betraying the emotion coursing through him. Beautiful? Certainly, of that there was no doubt. Wife? He'd never let anyone be mistaken for that before but suddenly it was the most natural thing in the world. But not yet, he knew it was too soon to let himself believe it. He had a lot of work to do before he deserved even to think of that.

They ordered a couple of beers and he walked away, winking at Tom "si tan solo tuviera 30anos menos! (If only I was 30 years younger)" and Tom smiled widely nodding.

"I didn't know you spoke Spanish!" Jamie commented, impressed.

"Ah there's more to me than Asgard and Shakespeare love!" he grinned and looked slightly bashful, rubbing the back of his neck "I'm sure you have hidden talents too".

"well, I can play the spoons" she said proudly as they laughed together. The beers arrived and they clinked bottles. Jamie found to her horror she was staring at him swallowing. Not just observing, but out and out staring, like the day with the melon. This time, not only did he catch her, but he said

"Does it really look THAT good? I mean, I get that you think I'm Asgardian sex on legs but really? Drinking? If that's all I have to do my work is done here!" he teased, his eyes crinkling into a laugh. Jamie blushed furiously but didn't look away.

"Sex on legs eh? Whatever gave you THAT idea Mr Hiddleston? It's not as if you're tall, handsome, strong, intelligent, funny.....oh wait.... that's exactly what you are. Oh Damn. Then yes, just keep swallowing and I'm yours forever" she countered sassily. Sparring words with him was almost as much fun as....well, almost.

They finished their drinks and Tom placed a few coins on the table, waving to the waiter who responded with a "Via con Dios, gracias - hasta luego! (Go with God, thank you - see you again!)". They walked back to the car and got in. Tom turned to her and said "I have one last request for tonight my love?"

"Ye-e-es?" she answered carefully "Go on?"

"Dance with me?"

"What? Where?"

"You'll see"

He drove off along the little street to the end of the village, where there was a grassy area next to the sand dunes above the beach. He parked up with the headlights on facing out to sea, asked her to wait, then got out. She couldn't quite see what he was doing, rummaging in the boot of the car then he walked to the front of the car and bent down. A moment or two later he opened her door and held out his hand,

"Miss, would you follow me?"

She got out and he guided her to the front of the car, where a blanket was spread on the ground, illuminated by the headlights. She slipped off her shoes and stood on the blanket, just waiting.

"Please, one second" he dashed back to the car and suddenly the sound of gentle music filled the night air. She instantly recognised it as being from Captain America. From anyone else, this would have been utterly, ridiculously, cheesy but somehow, because it was him and because he'd listened to all her ramblings about favourite film soundtracks, it made her melt. Coming back to her, he gathered her into his arms.

"Sorry I'm not Steve Rogers" he murmured into her hair as they began to sway to the music.

"Don't be" she said into his chest as he held her close "I'm not Peggy Carter" and she looked up at him, her eyes shining with emotion. As the music stopped, he leant down and kissed her tenderly, and she melted into his arms.

They sank onto the blanket, oblivious to the world around them, caught in the passion they both now gave into. Eventually, they parted, breathing heavily, giggling like teenagers, neither wanting to break the spell. They lay on the blanket, watching the stars as Tom quietly pointed out some constellations and the stories behind them. A double first in classics came in handy from time to time. As she listened to his soft voice, felt his heartbeat through her cheek, his strong arms around her as she snuggled his chest, she had never felt more loved and in love. She wanted to remember this moment forever.

What she couldn't possibly know, was that it was a memory she would need to cling onto soon enough.

The Holiday (A Tom Hiddleston Fanfic)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang