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Luke was as good as his word. By the time she got back to the hotel, her stay had been extended. When she entered the foyer the girl she'd been checked in by the day before was back. As she passed, she called out to Jamie,
"Miss Martin?"
Jamie turned to see her crossing towards her " I have a message from Mr Windsor". She passed Jamie an envelope. For a moment she was puzzled, then it dawned on her, Luke. She nodded,
"Oh right yes, thanks" she smiled and tucked it into her bag. The girl made to leave then stopped and turned back,
"Please don't think I'm speaking out of turn Miss, but its so nice you're able to stay longer. If there's anything you need at all just call down. My name is Natasha" she smiled warmly and walked back to her station. Jamie turned and went to the lift to her room.
In the privacy of her suite, she slipped off her shoes and jacket, grabbed a bottle of water from the table in her bedroom and curled up on the living room sofa. She put the tv onto some random channel and opened the envelope.

Inside was a note and inside that was a ticket. A theatre ticket. The Donmar Warehouse for the following Friday night's performance of Henry V. That was 5 long days away. All the note said was 'Be on time. And wear waterproof mascara this time! L x" she put the note and the ticket down. With a smile, she picked up her phone. Luke's number was already programmed into it from his card. She shot off a quick text.
'Hi L , J here, got the ticket thanks. I get the sneaky feeling I wont be seeing much of the play! You are an angel. We don't deserve you. Xx'

She put the phone on the side and settled down to watch tv. Her phone pinged a few minutes later and she reached over to grab it. Luke had replied with just a GIF. It was Loki giving the thumbs up. She laughed and shook her head. Far too much time with Hiddleston she thought.

The next morning she got up late, for the first time in ages she had slept through the whole night. Now she just had to work out how to fill her first full week in London alone. She contemplated her options over breakfast , scanning the paper that had come along with it. Room service breakfast seemed to have been organised for her and she certainly wasn't going to complain. It was The Savoy after all!

She was just on her second cup of the best Earl Grey she'd ever tasted when she saw the article. To be more accurate, she saw the photo. One of those photoshop jobs where it looks like a photo torn in two. One side was Tom, handsome in his blue tuxedo, the other Emily, in long silver gown all hair and smile and boobs. For a moment her heart stopped, then she gathered her thoughts and quickly scanned the article.

"Hollywood Star Too Busy for Love" was the headline. The body of the text was pretty much how Luke had described. It was a press release plus a little comment from the author of the article. None too complimentary either. She felt herself get angry on Tom's behalf, it was so unfair. She only hoped he would think she was worth all the heartache. Luke's words echoed in her head. He loves you. Don't panic. Don't leave. She wouldn't. She couldn't if her life depended on it. Setting the paper aside, she decided to do what most women do under stress (that don't want to eat chocolate). She would go shopping. She needed an outfit for Friday anyway she reasoned.

By now she felt a little like Julia Roberts in Pretty Woman - not the streetwalker bit , God no, but the walk through the lobby and the staff greet you personally bit. She'd moved on from "Miss" to "Miss Martin" then finally to "Miss Jamie". She could get used to this she thought with a little laugh. The doorman , Jim, hailed her a cab. "Shopping today Miss Jamie?" He asked and she was amazed at his insight.
"Yes - how did..?"
"Ah , when you see as many women as I do" he tapped the side of his nose with a wink " baggy jersey , comfy jeans and trainers" he waved the taxi over " everyone dresses like when they're seriously hitting the shops". He opened the door of the cab and as she got in he smiled "Have fun!"

The week soon filled with shopping and sightseeing and by Wednesday, work. Peter had sent her laptop and she now spent each day till 3 doing the normal day to day stuff she always did. Just her office now was little more luxurious! On Thursday she received a text from Luke. No drama, just 'Hi J, all still good for tomorrow? He thinks he's meeting me there. Said I had an appointment and would see him there. He still has no clue. Been a rough week, the dirt will be spilled tomorrow morning so he'll be in the clear by tomorrow night. Hope you're holding out ok. Remember if you need me , I'm always here. Lx'

She smiled and rattled off a quick reply. Putting the phone down, she got up and looked out the window of her suite to the River Thames. Across on the other bank she could make out the crowds outside the Festival Theatre enjoying the good weather. For once, she didn't want to be somewhere else, she didn't feel restless and ill at ease. She knew she was exactly where she was supposed to be. Here. Now. She would never be able to thank him enough for what he was doing.

Turning back to the room she surveyed her closet, now filled with the result of her week of shopping like a trooper. What to wear? The Donmar Warehouse wasn't your usual stuffy theatre. Literally a converted Warehouse just off Covent Garden, it was legendary. Seats on 3 sides of the stage, no seat further back than 4 rows from the edge of that stage. She'd dreamt of seeing Tom there in Coriolanus, but it had never happened. A Unicorn would have been easier to find than a ticket. Now, she'd had one handed to her on a plate. So what to wear. After much soul searching she pulled out a pair of semi- stretchy black jeans with a crisp white shirt. Her outfit was completed by a pair of boots she'd coveted all her adult life. They were black, glossy black with beautiful, instantly recognisable soles of scarlet. Her credit card didn't know what had hit it!

As she soaked in the deep marble tub that night, she wondered what Tom was doing at that moment. Was he thinking about her even a little? She closed her eyes as she lay back in the bubbles, her mind replaying that night on the island. She hoped he would take her back one day.

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