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The hotel was beautiful and very very expensive. It would be beans on toast for a month after this - but to her it was worth every hard earned penny. She'd hoped one day she would share the experience with someone special, but now she had decided life was too short to waste on 'one day' dreams. Walking down the quiet courtyard, towards the world famous doors, she was greeted by the doorman.

He touched his top hat in polite greeting, "Good morning miss, welcome to The Savoy, may I take your luggage?" she felt a little thrill and smiled,

"That would be very kind, thank you"

He followed her into the foyer and up to the check in desk. The member of staff there was polite, friendly and extremely efficient. Far from being snooty and stuffy, it was a warm and welcoming experience that she wished with all her heart she could have shared with- she refused to use his name. Oh well, she thought, if she hadn't needed the TLC she wouldn't be here. Every cloud and all that....

She came back into the room as the reception clerk said "Special occasion Miss? "

She faltered slightly, it was to her, a lifetime's ambition, but did that count... "no, just a little TLC after a very stressful time" she heard herself say. Oh goodness why did she even share that? Inwardly she winced, but to her surprise the girl said

"Ahh ok, I understand completely, hang on...." she looked at her computer screen, made a couple of adjustments with the mouse and then looked up with a smile "If you would like, I have a Junior Suite empty for the duration of your stay - I could move you to that, more room to relax?"

"Oh, no, honestly, I wouldn't want to put you..." how could she say politely that it was beyond her means? She flushed and looked at the girl with panicked eyes. The professional and calm answer came back

"No miss, sorry, entirely my fault for not explaining, this is complimentary" she smiled and Jamie almost gawped open mouthed. Almost, she remembered where she was, just.

"Oh my. thankyou" was what came out instead.

A few minutes later she was installed in the most beautiful suite she had ever seen. All Art Deco furnishings, a sitting room with marble fireplace, a black and white marble floored hallway, a walk in closet, a huge bedroom with en-suite bathroom and even a guest cloakroom. It was the stuff of dreams. Once she was alone, she virtually ran from room to room, squealing like a 5 year old then launched herself onto the huge King size bed laughing. She hadn't laughed like that for a very long time. The final touch was a box of hand made chocolates on a side table. She felt like a Queen. Pity she didn't look like one. First stop the hairdressers...

She spent the next day being pampered and preened and made to feel like she was a total star. Her hair was trimmed into a neat bob, now all shiny and well conditioned. Her muscles felt as relaxed as ever she remembered from the best hot stone massage she could remember and her nail, oh my, her nails. Manicured to perfection and glinting a pale green shimmer in the sunlight as she sipped her tea. All that was left was a spot of retail therapy. This was as happy as she had felt for a long time. There was still a little voice in her head that said 'you still love him. You still miss him. You want him back' but she was able now just to say 'yes' and leave it at that.

She had dallied with the idea of visiting his part of town, just to see. Just for closure she had reasoned. But then good sense had prevailed. That wasn't closure Jamie, she told herself, that was stalking. Sighing gently, she put down her to-go cup and looked around her. The cafe was a lovely little outdoor stall in Regent's Park, not far from the zoo. She loved to walk through the park and it was a safe space in which to get some fresh air. It was always full of people, both residents and visitors. Dogs were walked, football was played and families picnicked on the grass. Shopping could wait until tomorrow, today she wanted to be cultured. The British Museum was next, just a tube ride away. Standing up, she threw her cup in the recycling and picked up her bag. There was a young man behind her who had stared a little more than he should have, so she quickly moved away to the exit towards the station. To her unease he seemed to be following her. He was decently enough dressed, jeans and a suede jacket, maybe 5'10', blonde hair, medium build. She took a note, just in case. Of what, she wasn't exactly sure. She tightened her grip on her bag and walked a little faster. So did he. Just as she reached the safety of the Tube station, she felt a hand on her shoulder.

With a loud "Hey! get OFF!" she whirled round, ready to fight him off. Passers by slowed and looked at the couple having, what appeared to be a domestic, in the station. Staff looked up and started to approach. Someone spoke into a radio.

Quickly the man removed his hand and stood back, both now raised. "Its ok Jamie, I'm not going to hurt you. I'm Luke" For the second time in her short life, the world stopped. Her jaw fell open and she stared, wide eyed. It was Luke, Tom's publicist. What the actual hell?

"Is everything ok Miss" the very tall and very broad British Transport Policeman stood between her and Luke, his kindly but firm interaction offering safety and a way out if she needed it. She didn't.

"Thank you Officer, but yes I'm fine. He's ... he's an old friend, I just got a surprise that's all. Sorry to have caused a scene." she smiled and blushed, the officer nodded slowly,

"Ok, if you're sure Miss. You sir, " he said turning to the man she now knew was not a mugger "should be more careful in future. Think she might almost have lamped you one there!" the tension was released by his laugh and a wink at Jamie. He walked away, reporting into his radio all was ok. Jamie stood and looked at her 'assailant' who walked over and took out his wallet, producing his driving licence as ID

"There, see? I really am who you now suspect I am Jamie. I recognised you from the photos, you're much prettier in real life" he was trying to put her at ease, but all he did was give her a very dubious sounding compliment. He slapped his forehead "sorry, that came out all wrong. Guess I should leave the charm to Tom eh?" the two of them burst out laughing and moved back into the street. "I spotted you when I was in the park" he continued "and I wasn't sure to begin with. Look, we cant stand here all day, lets grab a drink and talk. We need to talk." Jamie felt a stab at the phrase. Last time she heard that, it had all gone so horribly wrong. This time though, something deep down said it wouldn't be the same.

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