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"Where the BLOODY HELL are you ?" The voice at the other end of the line hissed at her. She blanched and held the phone away from her ear, wincing.
"I'm here. I'm just coming back from the loo." She tried to explain " I got nervous!"
" Jesus Jamie, I've been here for 15 minutes looking for you. " Luke's voice relaxed, "are you ok?"
" I'm VERY nervous" she said with a smile.

As she turned the corner she saw him standing in the auditorium, looking around him. She waved and hung up. Happier now he saw she was actually there, he hugged her , kissing her cheek. "You look lovely, he'll be putty in your hands. " she blushed as he continued "I just spoke to him, he's about 10 mins away in a taxi. I have to disappear but just sit in your seat, don't react when he comes in, no matter how anyone else does. His seat is next to you, of course, but he may not see you if he's keeping his head down. Hiding in plain sight, he wont expect you to be there. Just let it play out. If all else fails, drop your program at his feet" he winked " works every time" she groaned and laughed " you're so cheesy Luke. But I do love you for doing this " she hugged him again and he pulled away laughing " don't let Tom hear you say you love me. I'll be out a job! Now go - shoo - shoo, before it all goes belly up".

Carefully she made her way to her seat in the back row of the stalls and sat down. She twisted slightly in her seat so she was kind of facing away from where he would, most likely, come in. Now to wait. Her stomach was doing somersaults and she had sweaty palms. She only hoped her face didn't reflect how sick she now felt, that would not be attractive to anyone. As she studied her phone, there were murmurs from the people around her. She caught "it's him." and "isn't he tall in real life!" as well as the occasional "Yeah, well I read this morning..." It took all her willpower not to jump up and run to him. She couldn't in these damn boots anyway she thought with a grimace. She was aware that the row was beginning to bob up and down as someone made their way along. Place by place he drew nearer until finally he was there, next to her. Standing over her. He didn't sit down, instead she heard his voice, his wonderful cultured, sexy voice.

"Ehehe I'm, ahem, I'm sorry miss. I think you might have the wrong seat that one is taken. I'm waiting for a friend to join me. I really am sorry." he sounded so contrite and embarrassed and she could barely contain herself. Before she turned, she began to speak.

Oh I don't know, I really do think this is my seat"

"No miss, sorry, I really am, but that seat belongs to..." as she stood up grinning and turning to him fully, his voice died " Jamie?" a mere whisper. His eyes lit up and his smile would have illuminated the whole theatre. "Is it really you? How ? Who? LUKE!!" suddenly the penny dropped.

"Hello darling, I've missed you." she said and he knew, instantly she still loved him. All the pain and sorrow left him replaced with an overwhelming joy. He gathered her into his arms and kissed her, not caring about the crowd who saw them, who photographed them and who gasped at the kiss. It really was like something out of a romantic novel.

As she tightened her arms around him, she whispered "I don't really want to see the play now, do you?" unable to speak, he shook his head and apologising all the way, they exited the row and the theatre. Outside there was a couple who were standing looking at the playbill in the window. Tom turned to them and to their utter amazement said "we have a couple of tickets we're not using now - go on, enjoy! Any issues tell them Tom sent you!" he handed over his ticket and Jamie quickly followed suit. The couple thanked them profusely and ran in, unable to quite comprehend what had just happened.

"Think you got another couple of devotees there" Jamie nudged him as they headed for a taxi and he laughed sheepishly.

The took a taxi back to her hotel, Tom was more than a little surprised at where she was staying but actually glad. Hotels of this standard were, by their very nature, the epitome of discretion. As the cab drew up, Jim was on duty. He opened the door and Jamie got out.

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