Baby steps

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The next day dawned bright and warm. Piling into their minibus, Jamie and her family set off for the little fishing village of Tabaiba with an air of expectation and excitement. The old wreck sunk about 500m off shore, was a favourite dive and despite her personal dilemma, Jamie couldn't wait to show it to Tom. Parking was always tricky at the little site so they knew to arrive prompt and she'd mentioned it to him as well. Arriving just after 9, they spilled out their van and Jamie walked along the little path to the steps where they would enter the water. It was a beautiful little bay, houses dotted about behind them, set into the dusty hillside. The carpark on a gravel strewn plateau, small cafés hugging the cliff face along to her left. Usually filled with bathers and divers but so early, silent and dark. The sun warmed her, not yet at its full strength but still enough. She stretched like a cat, feeling it on the back of her neck above her t-shirt. Tom's car was nowhere in sight yet she noted, not actually sure if that was good or bad. She was trying to concentrate on surveying the conditions, the swell of the ocean, the state of the entry steps, but her mind kept wandering.

Every time she closed her eyes she could feel his arms hold her. His breath on her neck. The way he looked at her when he sucked the juice from his fingers. Dear God what was happening, she felt herself go weak at the memory. She leant on the rail that ran along the sea wall. She could hear her family's raucous laughter behind her. They'd grilled her when she got in the house of course, but to be honest, there wasn't much she could say they didn't already know. Mainly because she didn't know herself.

As her mind wandered for the umpteenth time that morning, she drifted off into a world of her own. The sky was an iridescent light blue, the sea, well it was the clear blue green of...she felt her eyes sting as she realised she was thinking of Tom - again. Tom. What to do. What to say... She was so engrossed in that world she didn't hear the footsteps behind her. She didn't turn as a soft voice said in her ear,
"Morning darling, you ok?"
What she did was jump 6 feet in the air when a hand landed on her shoulder. She spun round to see an apologetic Tom, both hands up in defence smile at her with his eyes tight shut
"Sorreeee " he winced " didn't mean to scare you" he peeked out through one eye to make sure she wasn't angry. She wasn't. Her eyes were bright with tears and he looked shocked.
She laughed, wiping her eyes with a bashful shrug " my eyes always water when I get a fright" she explained.
"OMG!" Tom exclaimed " You too ?!? That's amazing ! I thought I was the only one!" He reached out and grabbed her hand, as if about to say something else.
As they stood, looking at each other, a very loud wolf whistle echoed from the car park. They turned to see not only Jamie's family but now the rest of the dive crew who'd just arrived, all watching them.

Jamie was startled, instinctively pulled her hand away to save his blushes and turned to Tom " do you think we ..." she trailed off as she saw the look on his face. Abject horror. Her stomach plummeted into her boots. She babbled at him, walking away quickly
" oh god, I'm so sorry. Please lets go get ready before it gets any worse" she didn't want him to see she was near to tears. Dammit she thought. Tom started to speak but thought better of it. Dammit he thought.

When he'd parked up at the site, he'd seen the family all standing but not her and worried. Had last night put her off? Did she now dislike him so much that she'd stop diving with him? No, that wouldn't happen. She loved diving too much and she was too polite and professional to let him down. If only... then he saw her. Alone, at the far end of the beach. Waving to the gang as he passed by, he walked up. She didn't hear, or chose not to hear, him coming. Oh well, he thought, in for a penny....

Her reaction was so sweet and such a surprise. She too had the eye watering thing. He wasn't such a weirdo - as his sisters put it - he'd grabbed her hand in delight, this was his chance , to put things right. Dinner. Explanations - no - confessions. But no. Suddenly the whole world was watching and she'd shrunk back again. Didn't want to be seen with him. Not like that. He had to try again. He just had to. Once more, then he'd respect her decision. But the other day.... as he walked with her to get ready, he kept replaying her face as she watched him and the "oh" in his mind. Admittedly, he was teasing her but the reaction had stirred something in him that was very far from a joke. There was still a chance....maybe.

The dive went ok, as always in the water Jamie kicked into professional mode and they were the perfect buddy team. They even managed to look at each other without blushing during the subsequent surface interval. Things only got a little awkward when someone broke out the melon. They stared at it, then each other, then Jamie smiled a little and walked away. She couldn't trust herself.

Tom decided at that moment that he had to do something. Things had started so well. Hell, he'd even held her hand, kissed it. And now, well because of his stupid cowardice she thought he didn't want her. Taking a breath, he followed her.

"Jamie, got a minute?" He said quietly, his fingers wrapping around one of her hands gently " I need to talk to you".

She swallowed, oh no , she thought. Here it comes. The 'you're really sweet but' speech. Oh well get it over with. "Sure Tom, of course" she replied sounding a million times lighter than she felt and they walked away to the water's edge .

" Well " he began letting out a big sigh " the first thing is I owe you an apology" he turned, now not caring who saw and kissed her cheek very chastely. She blushed and looked at her feet. "I may have given off the wrong impression" he continued " and the last thing I want to do is hurt you" he walked away down the beach a little and turned back to where she still stood, looking to his mind, angry with him. And no wonder he thought. He continued " things have gotten a little muddled and it seems I have a lot of explaining to do and not just about why I'm here. Would you let me take you to dinner? Tonight? Please? "

She partly wanted to run away and partly wanted to throw herself at his feet and swear undying love. When he had said she got the wrong impression, she had instantly assumed he was letting her down gently. Now, the suggestion of dinner hinted other wise. She decided to hear him out. Then run or fall at his feet. What she did say however, was "yes , that would be lovely. Pick me up at 7? Oh and I'd like that photo please if you have the file yet? " she held her breath.

"Perfect" he answered with an inward sigh of relief. Maybe, just maybe, he thought, he could at least get her to like him again. He watched her walk away to get ready for the second dive. His heart lurched as he realised it could be their last dive together. He sent up a silent prayer.

As she walked away, she wondered if this was to be their last dive. She fervently hoped not. To have him so close then snatched away again. In who's universe was that fair?

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