Best laid plans

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They got back to the van just in time for Peter say to Tom "Hey man, if you're not busy, we'd love you to join us for dinner tonight? I'm sure Jamie won't object? WILL YOU?" He looked them and she could have died on the spot. Looking at Tom, she willed him to say he had plans but his face lit up in a huge smile
"It would be my genuine pleasure" he answered looking her dead in the eye. The quote she'd so happily thrown at him now stuck in her throat. Damn you Peter. But she smiled and nodded and they went on their dive.

The second dive was , to all of them, even better than the first. Visibility was up and current down. Peter was taking video footage so they knew they'd have a great reminder of this beautiful wreck. As they were coming back, Jamie noticed Tom was hanging back a little, so like a good buddy, so did she. She asked him immediately "OK?" And he made the sign "OK" back so she relaxed a little. He winked at her and they paused, hovering over a little barrel, discarded from the wreck. Tom pointed down and as she looked, a small octopus emerged, its tentacles like fingers, wrapping themselves over the edge of the metal drum. They both knew not to initiate any touching or chasing, but this little fellow was in the mood to play. He shimmied up the barrel and extended a tentacle to Jamie who carefully held out her palm. The little 'arm' touched her and pulled back. Seeing no threat, he did it again, this time waiting longer before pulling back. Jamie felt so privileged , these were highly intelligent, sentient beings and for it to choose to interact was a real treat. She looked at Tom and his eyes were shining with delight. He'd spotted it in the first place, but this was beyond anything he'd imagined would happen. The little guy now had had enough and went back into his house, pulling some protective shells with him like a little barrier. The irony wasn't lost on Jamie. They let him go, feeling incredibly lucky and were soon back on dry land.

"OMG!" Jamie exclaimed as soon as they were back and getting 'de-kitted'. "I've never had an experience like that before! You're my lucky charm!" She grabbed Tom and hugged him without thinking. He laughed and hugged her back.
"Anything for you my Little Mermaid" he said, spinning her round "Anything" . Her heart gave a little squeeze, the pet name was back. For a moment they stopped and just looked at each other. In her mind the world stopped too. There it was again. That look. Her legs felt weak and her heart raced. He looked like he might kiss her....then someone shouted it was time to go and the moment was lost. She could have screamed.

They parted ways shortly thereafter, Peter giving Tom instructions on how to get to the restaurant and arranging to meet at 7.30. She only hoped he would turn up.

And indeed he did. When they got there, Tom was already seated at the table, looking as handsome as she'd ever seen. Blue trousers, white open necked shirt, rolled up sleeves showing his tanned and muscular forearms. As they approached, he stood up, shaking Peter and Liam's hands, kissing Helen and Jane on each cheek. Tom truly was the perfect Gentleman. He didn't immediately kiss Jamie on the cheek and for a split second she felt crushed. Until he took her hand, bowed slightly, kissed it and presented her with a single red rose. She gasped and put a hand to her mouth.
"Thank you" was all she could squeeze out in response. Out of the side of her eye, she could see Helen smiling and fanning herself, Peter let out a low whistle.
"Got yourself a keeper there Missy" was all he said in a whisper to her as they sat down. Peter at the head of the table. Helen at the other end and Tom, Jamie and the kids between. Tom sat opposite her and she could hardly keep her eyes off the straining buttons on his crisp white shirt. She'd seen photos of him wearing similar, but only now, in the flesh, did she really appreciate the full effect. She took a gulp of water and tried to calm down. Tom's eyes twinkled in the evening light, Loki was back.

The restaurant was one of those that supplied you with raw steak, suitably sliced and an incredibly hot square of lava stone on which to cook it yourself. The family loved coming here, and had done so many times over the years. There was something quite primeval and satisfying about the process. Tom had never been to anything like it before and loved every minute. Any previous awkwardness seemed to melt away during the course of the meal. They ate steak , drank good red wine and talked. A lot. Poor Tom got as grilled as the meat about all things Marvel by Liam. For his part, Tom was wonderful with him. Patiently answering all the questions, promising to get autographs but, as always, refusing to spoil any plots. He just smiled enigmatically, motioning locking his lips. Jamie then decided it was time to get a bit more personal.

"So" she began " I know you have a fear of sharks Tom, so why diving when you might come face to face with one?" She put her cutlery down and picked up her wine, looking intently at him over the rim of the glass. He smiled gently, putting his fork down and taking a large mouthful, swallowing slowly, eyes closed as if straightening his thoughts.

Opening them again, Jamie could see they now sparkled with unshed tears and she was the one to swallow hard. Oh dear, she'd messed up royally. She started to say "its ok, if its painful then please don't" but a the got out was "its" before he spoke.
"Someone I loved and respected very much enjoyed diving. They said I should try it as an antidote to my hectic lifestyle. They were going to come with me when I qualified but they got sick last year..." he tailed off and took another sip. He didn't need to say anything, rubbing the back of his neck, he exhaled sharply, trying to keep it together. "They never saw me qualify but today - that little octopus - high five-ing you. My friend had a octopus tattoo. I think they were telling me well done. And its in no small part thanks to you Jamie. Really, I mean it - thank you." The mood lightened again as he raised his glass,
"To new friends and good buddies"
They all repeated it and clinked glasses.
"Pass me the salt grinder Jamie" asked Peter a couple of seconds later as they finished the last of their meal. Not looking because she was chatting to Helen, Jamie reached out to where she thought it was and instantly recoiled with a yelp. She'd inadvertently touched the lava stone at her side that was still red hot. Instantly she lept up and walked quickly to the bathroom. Turning on the cold tap, she ran her now reddening fingers under the water for a few minutes. They'd probably not blister, it had been the end of the meal, but they would be very tender and red for a while. She shook her head at her own stupidity.

Walking back to the table a few minutes later, Tom stood to greet her.
"You ok love?" His eyes held genuine concern. She smiled, nodding,
"I'll be fine. Never play the piano again though..." she laughed.

The rest of the meal passed without incident, thankfully. Once they were finished the bill was paid by Tom at his own insistence. A thankyou for making him feel so welcome. Jamie excused herself to the toilet. When she returned, her family had gone! Tom stood waiting for her, her wrap in his hands. Puzzled she said,

"Where are they?"
"Went home, I said I'd bring you when you were ready" he smiled, "but I thought we might have a little walk first along the beach, watch the sunset?" He offered his arm and she carefully threaded hers through it.
"That would be delightful" she answered and they left the restaurant.

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