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They walked along the shoreline, carrying their shoes and letting the sea wash over their feet. Tom had rolled up his trousers to just above his ankles but Jamie's long summer dress got a little wet round the hem. She couldn't have cared less. Tom smiled indulgently and shook his head.
"Next you'll want to skinny dip" he laughed.
"Don't tempt me" she retorted sticking her tongue out.
They decided to sit on the low sea wall and watch as the sun set behind a nearby island. The sky ranged from inky blue, through purple, burgundy, dark red, orange to yellow where the last of the golden disc slipped into the Atlantic. For it's part, the sea was a dark velvety blue, highlighted by the golden sun melting into it. Jamie sighed contentedly. This was heaven. She leant against Tom, resting her head against his shoulder. At this moment she felt she could die a happy woman.

Tom looked down at the beautiful, funny, intelligent but crazy woman he now knew he'd fallen head over heels in love with. He had gone on record saying he never believed in love at first sight but she'd proven him wrong. With her, he had been lost in the first moments he laid eyes on her. He was no callow youth, he was a grown man. She wasn't the first woman he'd loved , but he knew with an almost frightening certainty she would be the last. He looked at her face in the evening light, so soft and vulnerable yet he knew she was no pushover. Her eyes that normally blazed with a strength and fierceness he'd rarely seen, now glowed with the sunset. Feeling her lean against him, his heart raced and he felt slightly sick. What if he'd misread her. Maybe she was just being friendly. Maybe it was too much wine. Maybe he should stop overthinking it. But how to start a conversation that would end with I love you? As an actor he had all the lines, as a man, he had no idea where to start.

She looked up, aware he was staring at her.
"Penny for them?" She smiled, and shifted slightly, turning to face him more. As she did so, a gust of wind blew her hair over her face. Without really being aware, she reached up to tuck it behind her ear but used her burnt fingers.
"Owwwww" she said, recoiling, pain surging through the red skin making her eyes water. Tom instantly took her hand and gently laid it palm up, in his. She couldn't tear her eyes away as with the other hand, he gently uncurled her fingers, stroking them from palm to tip, light as a feather.
"Oh my poor Jamie" he whispered, looking at her with an intensity she could barely cope with.

Slowly, carefully, he lifted her hand to his lips. He kissed the tip of each finger. Her senses were in overdrive. What he did next almost sent her over the edge. Looking her dead in the eye, he took each finger and put it to his lips again. This time however, his lips parted and he slowly and deliberately sucked each of her fingers, as if trying to take away the pain. She felt the fire in her stomach flood downwards and her breath grew ragged. He stopped, gently put her hand down then took her cheek in his hand. Fingers entwined in her hair he paused,
"So beautiful" he murmured and before she had a chance to speak. He kissed her. His lips were soft but persistent, his tongue pushed against her mouth and she granted him access, feeling him taste her, explore her.

She'd heard the phrase about seeing fireworks, but when he kissed her, she could not only see them but hear the accompanying shouts. Paparazzi. Even here, he wasn't safe. Tom groaned and pulled away. "Sorry darling, occupational hazard" he said dejectedly. "We should go"

Sadly she nodded. It wasn't his fault. Being angry would only make him feel worse. They stood up, more flashes, they walked - more flashes. Tom put his arm around her protectively.
"Car's here darling" he whispered and opened the door, she slid in quickly. Fortunately the roof was up so they had some protection. Ever the gentleman, Tom turned to the photographers now standing next to the car. "Goodnight gents, hope you got some nice shots" he smiled tersely without answering any of their questions and got in, driving off quickly but not aggressively. A few minutes away, he pulled over.

"I'm so sorry Jamie, I don't know what to say..." he trailed off as she put a hand on his arm
"Its ok darling" she smiled " I understand , honestly" and she reached up in her seat and kissed his cheek.
"You told Peter you'd take me home when I was ready didn't you?"
"Yes" his voice was tinged with sadness and regret, once again fate had got in the way, " does ... does ..this mean you're ready to go home?"

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