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Our season just ended. Unfortunately, we lost the game before the NFC championships. A few other teammates in our land hosted us a party for the season and one of my good buds, Finnlay, brought his girl Bree who is about to have their baby. They are planning to go to Arizona together while he does his spring training. I sighed stretching in my bed and reaching for my dog, Otto. He's a white fur bulldog with some grey-black spots. I pulled him up to me and smiled when I saw his one tooth hanging out.

"Good morno Otto." He sniffed out and moved closer to me. I scrolled through my social media, laughing at a few posts from the boys. Cole texted me to see if I wanted to go out to this party at his friend Barnet's house. Barnet has a sister Winnie that Cole has been head over heels for-- for a long time. I asked him if he needed a wingman and he sent me the middle finger emoji. Laughing, I made my way to my little home gym to do a small workout with Otto following behind me.

I did my off-season routine and took a shower. I put on joggers and a 49ers t-shirt. My phone pinged and I was surprised to see my father calling me. Usually, he doesn't talk during the day as he is busy for his tech company. I unlocked the call and put it on speaker and I put on socks. "Dad, what's up? Usually, you don't call this early in the day."

"Hey, Mateo. It's been a crazy 12 hours-- your season is done right?" I picked up my phone and put it to my ear, taking it off speakerphone. Something seemed off.

"Is everything okay?"

"With me, yes. The company was attacked last night and we're going through footage to find the people. The bastards also beat up Emmy." My whole body went from rage to complete shock. My mouth stayed open as I remembered Emmy. "She's in the hospital and currently in a coma. I need you to come up here and switch out with me at the hospital so we can track down these mother fuckers and sue them, put them in jail... something."

"Wait, she's in a coma?"

"Yes, they just got her out of surgery."

"They attacked her that much?" I was already on my feet shoving shirts and pants into duffle bags.

"Yes, Emmy was walking out and they were trying to get in. When she opened the door a few of them slipped in but the rest took advantage." My mind went to a few places out of fear and I quickly got a few of Otto's things to bring with me. I put Otto on a leash and made sure we have everything before heading down to my Bronco. I shoved everything in and my phone connected to bluetooth.

"Okay, I'm in the car, I'll be there as soon as I can."

"Are you stopping halfway like usual?"

"No. I'm powering through with stops for Otto. Keep me updated please."

"Yeah. Okay, I have to meet with the police, see you soon Mateo."

Once we hung up I slapped my steering wheel. Son of a bitch.

When I got to Seattle I responded to a few texts from teammates and told Cole I couldn't make it. I grabbed my bags and headed into the house with my gear, Otto behind me. "Sweetie is that you?"

"Yeah, hi mom." I walked into the kitchen and saw her cooking up a meal.

"Glad you are here. Why don't you head to the hospital and give this to dad and maybe he'll switch out with you and come home? He's been at the hospital since he found her." My mom was in a sweatshirt and pajama pants, looking worn out. I know how much she cares for Emmy and is probably hurting from the news.

I nodded and gave her a big hug for comfort. I took the plate, gave Otto a pat on the head, and got back in the car. Sitting for 13 hours isn't the best, but getting to the hospital was my biggest priority. It's about nine at night and I walked into the hospital well aware visiting hours are over.

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