As Emmy Wishes

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When I woke up the next morning I felt determined. I made my way through the condo and to Emmy's room. She was in there combing her hair. She set the brush down and I walked right up to her. I cupped her face in my hands and looked into her eyes. "I want you to be my girl. I want to be your guy." She blinked at me and I moved my hands and wrapped her up in my arms, her eyes still meeting mine. "I want to be with you publicly. Everyone should know that you and I... we're it. I know you're not a fan of social media... I want to be so public with you that our friends tell us to stop it."

She was silent for a while searching my face. I wasn't sure where this would go, all I know is that I want her. I want her to be in this relationship.

"I still need you to go out with your single friends and party."

"Okay we'll go out tonight. When I get back-- I'm coming home straight to you. I'll tell you every single detail and still choose you." Her eyes became watery and I pressed a kiss on her lips. "I love you. I promise you I am not leaving. Remember everything I said last night."

She wrapped her arms around me and held tight. I kept her safe in my arms and brought us to the bed. I sat down and she sat in my lap, cradled. "I do remember everything from last night." She whispered, her lips tickling the skin on my neck. "I'm afraid to say it because if I say it and you don't come back... I was infatuated with you in college and now..." she trailed off and yet my heart soared. I pulled her head to meet my eyes and kissed the corner of her mouth. "I do love you, Mateo." At that I attached our lips and she nipped at my bottom lip.

"I love you, honey." I whispered along her lips. I smiled into the kiss as he arms wrapped around my neck.

"Don't leave me behind again."

"Never could."

Emmy went over to Leah and Tia's apartment after work. I managed to wrangle some of the guys together to head out. I put Mikey and Hoffsauce in charge to plan where we were going. I was a little nervous as we got into the car service. Cole looked over at me and I shrugged. I got Cole to come to help me ward off girls. I told Emmy I would go out and have fun, and while dancing with my bozo friends is nice, I don't want anyone to get too close to me. "So what is the point of this tonight?" Cole asked.

Hoffsauce spun around from his seat and looked at us. "To party. Bro we just won the cup. Enjoy the cup."

"We didn't JUST win the cup, but whatever." Hoffsauce rolled his eyes at Cole and Jacob looked over to me.

"It is a bit strange that after being M.I.A so long you want to come out? Trouble with Emmy?"

I sighed and shook my head 'no.' Mikey and Declan both turned to look at me and Tyler was on his phone texting. "Emmy made a good point. We've been surrounded by each other for the majority of the year. She's worried that I'm only choosing her because she's the only option."

Tyler turned around at that and raised his eyebrows at me. I flipped him off and he put his attention on me. "Is that true though? Have you been with anyone since you rekindled with her?"

"No, but that's not because there weren't options. They DM me. I mean I play for the 49ers, I had options. I actively and willingly choose her. Over anyone."

"Oh you're fucking whipped. You love her." I turned my eyes to Mikey and nodded.

"Yeah I do. So I'm out here and we're going to party. I'll go home to her and go from there."

"She's your end game." I looked over to Cole and nodded. He gets it. He knows what boat I'm in because he was in it with Winnie a few months ago.

When we got to the club I sighed as Hoffsauce brought us to the club with the girls who make it their whole lives to fuck professional athletes. Cole swore and looked at me. "Should I text Winnie?"

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