Bedroom Chair

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Finding Emmy in our bathroom having an attack threw all sort of red alarms off in my head. It took me minutes to get her to respond to my voice before her eyes found mine. I could see all the turmoil in her eyes and knew I had to do anything I could to protect her. Which meant getting everyone in this house out.

However, Emmy had other plans. It took over two hours for us to get everyone out. Once I closed the door on Mikey I spun around to see Emmy collapse on the couch. Her shoulders sagged and I walked over to her. I sat down beside her and took her hand in mine. She leaned her head on my shoulder and I kissed her head. I could tell from the conviction in her voice from the bathroom that she still hates relying on me. I know she wants to be strong for herself.

"I know you want to be strong for yourself. I respect that and you. But I am here. I want to help you. Tell me or order me what to do and I'll do it. I'd do anything to bring your comfort back from what they took." Emmy squeezed my hand.

"I know. I... I have a therapist appointment and she wants to talk about the attack. I think... I think I have to voice what happened. What I was thinking. She told me that coming clean about it all would in a sense set me free. I just... there's something else she wanted me to act on but I don't want to do that just yet." I felt my face contort in confusion. Why did I have a feeling the second action had something to do with us.

Emmy sat up and looked at me. "I'm exhausted, I'm going to head to bed, okay?" I nodded and she ripped off the Mario mustache I have and kissed me. "You look better with scruff anyway." I watched as she walked to the room and sighed checking my phone.

Mikey sent me a link to a kink store. I sent him a middle finger emoji and he sent back the laughing one. Mikey and Jacob got into some of their kinks tonight with Declan, Finnlay, Cole and I. We all thought they were weird but I could tell from Cole's facial reactions that he might have tried some toys with Winnie already. I wouldn't say Emmy and I have vanilla sex as Mikey said, but maybe we could spice it up a bit.

I was actually looking at one of the chairs they have. It's got two humps on it and you can use it multiple ways. I forgot what it was called, but it seemed like the least crazy thing to get. I scrolled through the store and came upon the chair. It's hot red or it can come in this baby blue. Without thinking further I purchased the red chair. I stared at the confirmation email for a few minutes before getting up and heading to bed myself.


"Mateo what the heck is this?" I heard Emmy call out. She just got back from the gym and was in the kitchen cooking us some chicken and veggies. She went to take a shower and now that she's out I think she's finally noticing the red sex chair in there. I bit my lip and waited for her to come out.

That she did. She walked to the kitchen in an oversized shirt of mine and her hair dripping over her chest. Her bare legs moved fast as she stopped in front of me. "Mateo, what is that red chair?"

"Okay so apparently it's like a way to get more sex positions and Mikey--"

"Mikey told you you needed a sex chair?"

"No not really. Um he shared the link and I looked through it. I mean this one seemed the least harmless."

"We have a sex chair in our bedroom."

"Technically we can disguise it as a lounging chair as well." I looked over at her and noted how cute she looked as her lips were open in shock and her blue eyes looked over my face.

"You're serious?" I shrugged and moved the chicken pan off the burner and focused on finishing the roasted vegetables. "Did... do the sex boring for you?" I quickly spun around and wrapped her up in my arms.

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