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Halloween is next week, but we're having a party tonight. It's been two months of me going to therapy once a week. Therapy isn't all that bad, we've talked about a lot of past things and have just started getting into the attack and the healing process. I haven't fully described the attack to her, but she wants to go over the attack from my perspective.

"Hey, are you getting your costume on?" I looked over to Mateo and let out a laugh. He wanted to do a matching costume with me. We're having a group of people over tonight for the little party. It was timed well between all the sports guys and we managed to find one night everyone can make it happen.

Mateo is now turned into Mario from the Super Bros. He managed to convince me to dress like Princess Peach. I have on a longer pink dress and I added light curls to my hair. He wanted me to also wear these pink silk gloves, but I wasn't so sure. I had on nude heels and was just awaiting the crown that is dangling from his fingers.

"I think I kind of like the jean overalls look." He did a couple poses and I let out a laugh at him. He walked up to me and I welcomed his embrace and rested my head against him. "You look gorgeous."

I pulled back and kissed the corner of his mouth. "Thank you. You look adorable." He rolled his eyes at my comment. I took the crown from his hands and set it on my head. "How do you think this is going to stay on my head?"

"With bobby pins or something?" He smiled cheekily at me and I sat down on the bed. I have told my therapist about the party and she was worried about how I was originally triggered. Mateo had his friends over and that's what caused the nightmares to start. Now we're going to be in our house with a good chunk of his teammates, Cole, Hoffsauce and Kirk from the hockey team and a few others and then a few members from the baseball team. Bree and Winnie will be here so mingling with them will be good. Hailey has a blind date with someone so Leah and Tia are making sure she is safe. When the date's over they mentioned swinging by.

I'm a little nervous about so many people being in our space. Mateo squatted down in front of me and cupped my face in his hands. "Is everything okay?"

I nodded and looked into his brown eyes, seeing bits of the light bouncing off them. I held his hand in mine and smiled. "I love you." He smiled back at me, his teeth skimming his lip as he grinned over at me. I pressed my lips to his and he pulled my chin closer to slip his tongue in.

Before it could turn into too much, I heard Otto galloping his way in the room. I pulled back and looked over at Otto. Mateo put him into a green turtle. We walked out of the room and Mateo closed the door. In the kitchen I looked over at all the food we prepped and had delivered. I snagged a few grapes and handed my crown to Mateo. "Okay, help me put it on then." He sauntered up to me and set the crown in my hair. Since it is plastic, using bobby pins to secure the ends will not work. The crown is like a plastic headband you find at kid stores with the clip on jewelry.

"I do as you wish my lady." Mateo winked at me and I smiled up at him. There was a knock on the door and Mateo planted a kiss on my lips before making his way to the door. "We are winning this costume contest."

True to his words, we did end up winning the costume contest. For most of the night I've stayed beside Bree and Winnie. Bree did bring Jack, who is now passed out in her arms. To make matters even better, Bree and Finnlay decided to dress as the incredibles and put Jack in a little incredible costume. When Cole saw he flipped out. Cole and Winnie are dressed up like deer caught in the headlights. Mateo and Finnlay both shook their heads in disapproval but Winnie promised it was fine. It was her idea.

"How is the gym going?"

"Good!" I took a sip of my seltzer and looked to Winnie. "We have a good membership ratio to those who just take classes. The boxing groups we have are also doing great. Gino and I are thinking of hosting a little in house tournament and going from there to state competitions and regionals."

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