Chapter 2: The Story of the War

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Everyone stopped celebrating and Rapunzel said, "Right. This all came upon you so fast. Alright. Who wants to tell the story?"

The other Disney princesses all looked at each other until Mulan spoke up, "I'll do it. It'll take Shang a while to get back from the military campaign in the north, so I shouldn't be expected back at the Imperial Base for a while."

"What happened, Mulan?" Moana asked, "What's going on with this war?"

Mulan sighed, "It started back many years ago. It's 2045 now, but the divide between the fans of Disney stretched all the way back to 2017..."


"You see, the Walt Disney Company, commonly known as Disney...they're our creators. They created everything, including the events we went through in our lives. We all credit Mr. Walt Disney for who we are today. People used to love Disney and the movies they created. Disney began expanding and growing more adventurous with their films.

But everything changed when Disney acquired Lucasfilms, the studio that is responsible for creating the best movie franchise of all time known as Star Wars. They bought Star Wars from George Lucas, who was the franchise's creator. Let's just say things went downhill when the 8th movie was released. Star Wars: The Last Jedi. The Last Jedi was extremely divisive. Lots of Star Wars fans began accusing Disney of stuffing identity politics and political messages into entertainment. This toxic hate was most prominent on a video platform known as YouTube. Soon, these toxic fans organized into a racist and sexist organization known as the Fandom Menace. Led by Jeremy Griggs, this group sought the complete destruction of Disney and the utopian ideology they presented. The Fandom Menace...they long for the old ways where women and ethnic groups are underrepresented.

Not all Star Wars fans were onboard the hate train though. For a YouTuber named Admiral Producer united the pro-Disney Star Wars fans into a new fandom group called the United Disney Supporters. His channel prospered and in 2030, he opened a school which he called YouTube School, based off of his fictional school which served as the headquarters of his channel. Students of all ages went there to learn how to be loyal to Disney and fight for civil rights. The Fandom Menace was not pleased with this and in 2031, they teamed up with a terrorist gang to bomb the school. The attack was repelled thanks to school resource officers combatting the right-wing extremists, but Admiral thought that his presence was a danger to his students. This was because about 10 students died from the bombing attack. So, one day...he disappeared into self-imposed exile. Disney has since taken direct control of the school until we can find Admiral Producer and bring him home.

Right now, it's been 10 years into the war. In 2035, Disney united with three other studios, Hasbro Studios, Paramount Pictures, and Universal Pictures. Together, they formed the United Studios while the Fandom Menace united with several other far right organizations to form the Alliance Against Social Justice, or the AASJ. The war began when the Fandom Menace launched an attempt on Kathleen Kennedy's life. She was assassinated by traitors within Disney. Following an employee purge, Disney and the United Studios declared war on the Alliance Against Social Justice.

Ever since then, the war has ravaged through this country and other countries are finding themselves forced to take sides. It'll only be a matter of time before this war turns into a global conflict akin to a World War 3."


Moana couldn't believe it, "I can't believe it. A war against your own fans?"

"But they aren't our fans." Rapunzel said firmly, "Not after what they did to Kathleen Kennedy."

Moana nodded, "Right..." She was sad that all this was happening.

Jasmine sighed, "Look. We can all stay here and mourn or we can get back to base. We need to go before the Fandom Menace finds us here."

"Affirmative." Bob Iger said from his blimp, "I will meet you guys back at the California base. You girls best get a move on."

Moana 2: The Great Fandom WarWhere stories live. Discover now