Chapter 14: The Return of Admiral Producer.

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The Iger II blimp touched down back at YouTube School where a whole crowd of anxious students and staff were waiting for them.

The moment Moana stepped out with Mulan, Amy, and Anna, everyone cheered and applauded. Then, out came Admiral Producer, the legendary hero and Disney fan who started it all. The crowd cheered and applauded again, but this time it was even louder. All the students rushed up to ask for his autograph and started crowding him until Principal Larson called them all back.

"Alright, class," Principal Larson said, "Let's give him a break and a chance to breathe, shall we? Come come come, inside. All of you."

When they all went inside the building and the other students dispersed and went to their respective classes, Principal Larson said, "I can't believe you're back! We never got to tell you how grateful we are for everything you have done for us."

"I was just doing my duty as a true fan of Disney," Admiral Producer replied, "I'm back because I realized I couldn't run from my past. I couldn't just let the past die. I have to finish what I started."

"And we're grateful to have you back." Principal Larson told him, "I would be honored if you would take control of this school again. We've been saving the office for your return."

Admiral hesitated, but eventually nodded at Moana's silent encouragement, "If you insist. It is time that we end this war quickly and swiftly and stop this fascist movement in its tracks. Hold an assembly of the whole school. It is time I explain everything to everyone."


Later that day, Admiral Producer called together the entire Disney base to the Hall of Judgement where he explained everything to everyone.

A lot of the students were still in awe, seeing the legendary Admiral Producer right before their eyes.

Admiral explained everything from his self-imposed exile as a result of the attack on the school by the early Alliance to his return. He left nothing out. The people nodded their heads in understanding. Admiral finished with, "I hope that you all can forgive me for my abandonment of the cause. I have returned now and am dedicated to finishing what I started. Fear is what drove me into exile. Now, I am back."

"That sounds like Luke Skywalker in The Last Jedi," Rian Johnson said, "But with a better ending, that's for sure. It's great to have you back, Admiral Producer. We can help you get your YouTube channel back up. It's been sitting on the platform inactive for many years. Besides, we have your stuffed animal hosts."

Admiral smiled. "Well let's do that then, by all means. Grab Brownstone and Randy. It's time that the Free Republic of Admiral Producer re-emerges from the shadows! If we gather support from online, we stand a better chance!"


With the help of the students of YouTube School, Admiral Producer brought back his channel and premiered his first video in years, titled: ADMIRAL PRODUCER IS BACK!, in which the live chat exploded with old and new fans of the channel welcoming him back. In his video, he explained his several year long absence and that he was back stronger than ever.

He ended up losing one subscriber as that person couldn't believe that Admiral would abandon his faith, but the rest remained and he ended up gaining one immediately after, so the loss wasn't that big of a deal.

He then took back control of the school after being elected principal unanimously and started devoting the school to the making of weapons and the building of a stronger army. Moana was placed in charge of the First Legion and given her own T-85 X-wing to lead the fleet with. An inner wall, middle wall, and outer wall was constructed around the base with a secret gate that served as the exit. Cannons were installed on the roof, being manned 24/7 by students who preferred not to sleep.

Eventually, the western half of the United States in which the Disney base was located was declared a new democratic socialist nation called the United Supporters' States of America, while the Alliance Against Social Justice declared the fascist National Socialist States of America to the Eastern half. The capital of the USSA was California and Admiral Producer was elected the President. On the other side, the capital of the NSSA was Washington D.C and Jeremy was elected the Führer of the country.

For one while year, the USSA competed with the NSSA for supremacy over the entire North American continent. The NSSA saw the centralization of leadership while the USSA saw technological advancements and the collectivization of industry.

At the conclusion of the Second Cold War, the NSSA launched a full on attack on the Academy of YouTube School, burning it to the ground and kidnapping four female students, including Amy and Anna.

Soon after the attack, Bob Iger died of a heart attack and was succeeded by Moana, who made it the United Studios' mission to rescue the captured students. 

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