Chapter 4: The California United Studios Base Pt 2: Shang's Arrival/Training.

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Moana and the other princesses ran outside the school to see a military aircraft touching down. General Li Shang stepped out of it, his face looking grim. Moana said hi, but Shang didn't seem to hear her, walking right past her and towards Mulan.

He looked at Mulan, "Did you tell Iger that the bases are merging?"

Mulan shook her head, "Not yet. I don't know where he is at the moment. Maybe he already came back while we were inside?"

"Maybe." Shang said, "Either that, or he's been captured." Just then, they saw a blimp emerge out of the clouds, "There he is. Okay, I'll reconvene with you girls later. Right now, I need to talk with Iger."

Shang walked towards the Research and Planning Center and soon he was out of sight.

That evening, Moana's newfound friends showed her her dormitory. She felt the bunk bed. This was the first time in a while that she had been a way from home, but she had been away before. The only way she could get home was through winning the war for Disney. There was no other way.

Mulan's bed was right on top of hers and the two had formed some sort of a bond through their courage to break the rules in their own stories. As Mulan climbed in her bed and Moana climbed in hers, Moana asked, "Mulan?"

Mulan sat up, "Yeah?"

"I want to go home..." Moana admitted.

"I know," Mulan said, "Don't worry. We will. Once the war ends, we will all be going to our respective territories and parting ways. I long to see what living in modern China is like. I know I was there for a brief time with the base, but I didn't really have the chance to enjoy it. We'll be going home soon."

It took a bit, but soon, both girls fell asleep.


The next morning, Moana was awoken by a tiny red lizard, sorry, dragon peeking down from the top bed. Moana screamed, waking Mulan.

"Mm, what?" Mulan asked groggily. She looked at the right side of the bed and saw the dragon, "Mushu, it's 6 in the morning. School doesn't start until 8."

"Not anymore it doesn't!" Mushu said, "Shang has taken charge of 'em battle classes and he's been looking all over for you. Same with you, Moana! So rise and shine, sleeping beauties, we don't want a repeat of last time. Let's go, let's go!"

Mulan sighed, "Fine. Come on, Moana." Both girls got up, got dressed in the school uniform, and headed out the door towards the Training Camp, soon followed by about 2,000 other students behind them.


The Training Camp was a massive complex with all sorts of training equipment set up in the it. Tents were arranged in an equal sign and banners were flown across poles, having the symbol of Mickey Mouse on them.

Moana and the other princesses as well as the other students lined up next to each other in a four row formation. In the middle of them in the front row, Moana could see that the students were 98% female with some exceptions being some boys in the back. They were also ethnically diverse. They were collectively made up of whites, blacks, Hispanics, Jews, Chinese, etc.

She couldn't see her friends as they were way far off to the left of the first row, but she knew they were there.

"Um...hi," Moana asked a tall white girl with brown hair standing beside her, "My name is Moana. What's your name?"

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