Chapter 7: The Debate.

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Later that day, after celebrating a crippling defeat for the Fandom Menace and the Alliance Against Social Justice, Principal Larson, who was also the United Studios chairwoman, chaired a meeting between the students of YouTube School to discuss Moana's future as member of the United Studios and student at the school.

The meeting was called when Moana had revealed to her newfound friends after the celebration that she had a tracker within her that allowed the Fandom Menace to find their location.

In the Hall of Judgement, Moana and Amy stood at the center while the students debated. Amy was there because she had spoke out in Moana's defense when the meeting began.

"Please," Moana pleaded, "I know I'm responsible for this location being found-"

"She must be expelled!" shouted a 19-year old white boy, "Her presence will endanger us all! She is dangerous to the wellbeing of the US!"

"If we expel her," Mulan reasoned, "She might as well just join the Alliance. I bet they'd be more accepting."

"What?!" shouted another student, "You're speaking out in her defense?! She must be expelled for the good of Disney!"

"Tommy," Mulan said, "It would look bad on us if we expelled her. The Fandom Menace would just spread the propaganda, saying that we don't really care about race. We must think carefully or support for us from the public will be withdrawn."

"Then we move the base!" Merida suggested.

"It be too much work to evacuate everyone again." Rapunzel argued, "We've already had to move bases several times as more states fell into Alliance control."

"Alright!" Principal Larson yelled, "Order!" She banged the gavel, "Since your debate is getting nowhere, we will do a show of hands. All those in favor of keeping Moana here as one of us?"

A lot of hands were raised.

"And all those in favor of expelling her?"

Once again, a lot of hands were raised, but not as much as the previous show of hands.

"It is a close vote," Principal Larson said, "But based on the results, Moana will stay with us. However, she is to be isolated from the rest of the school until we can figure out how to disable that tracker. She will stay locked in a solitary room, not to come out or interact with anyone but her closest friends until further notice. For the good of the Union."

"For the good of the Union." everyone repeated. 

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