Mayday We're Going Down!

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Annabeth wasn't one to sit around while her boyfriend was stolen out from under her nose! Her father watched her, knowing not to interfere whilst she paced. Mr. Chase knew it unwise to interrupt her, and decided to show her the plane when Percy showed up.

Annabeth was still in her beach clothes, signaling she was extremely enveloped in her thoughts. Scheming to keep her relationship with Percy intact took some serious planning! Rachel was clever, using everything she could to shake their relationship. Certainly didn't help that Annabeth lost her temper on the beach. Rachel was probably sucking up to Percy the entire time, telling him sweet nothings about how she would never do such a thing!

Annabeth wasn't nicknamed Wise Girl for nothing though. Weighing the pros and cons of Rachel's mortality, Annabeth quickened her pacing. Pro: She didn't have super fast reflexes that come with ADHD. Con: Celestial Bronze couldn't hurt her.

ta ta ta. ta ta ta

Annabeth was brought from her pacing by a knock on the door. She looked at her clothes and groaned. She looked like a prissy popular! Stalking to the door, she threw it open to find Percy, his hair damp from the sea. He had the power to stay dry underwater, but she guessed he didn't so he looked more natural to the mortals.

"Annabeth-" He began, only to be cut off.

"What do you want?" Annabeth demanded rather testily.

"We had plans to see your dad's new plane. Plus I wanted to clear stuff up with you!" His sea green eyes pleaded with her.

As much as Annabeth wanted to tell him she already forgave him, she held back. "You have two minutes. And I thought it was self explanatory that you were uninvited to see the plane!"

Percys shoulders sagged as he took in her words. "Can we talk out here?"

Annabeth leaned against the white door frame. "Time starts now."

"Look, I know I shouldn't have kissed Rachel or agreed to spend time alone with her. I also know you're extremely mad at me. I can see how time alone with another girl would lead you to believe it was a date! But me and Rachel isn't happening! These past six years haven't meant nothing to me, in fact they're everything! I'd be dead at least fifty times over without you! We went through Greek HELL together. C'mon Annabeth." He said with that are you serious look on his face.

Annabeth grimaced. He made some extremely good points! She moved onto the porch, leveling her eyes with his. "Maybe that was a sign from the gods. MAYBE we aren't meant to be! Perhaps they thought it would tear us apart? But I don't think so. At least, I don't want to think so!"

Percy watched as her stone wall came down. Her shoulders sagged, as if she was still holding the sky up on her shoulders. He could make out that him kissing Rachel dented her pride and trust more than her heart. That was Annabeth Chase though, pride of a lion!

He moved forward and wrapped his arms around her. "You're my girlfriend, not Rachel, kay?"

She just nuzzled her head into his shoulder, it smelled of salt and fish. And did she detect a hint of seaweed? It was odd how fast her mood had changed. A storm to a calm. "Kay... One thing, will you tell me next time you and Rachel, 'hang out?'"

Percy nodded, stroking her curly hair down her back. "We had planned to go on a quest together tomorrow actually, if you want to come?"

Annabeth pulled away from him with alarming speed, "Taking a mortal on a quest?! Do you know how much danger she'll be in, plus she can't even hurt them!"

Percy frowned, like it just now occurred to him. "That's true, that's why I want you to come!"

Annabeth ruffled his hair. "Seaweed brain!"

"Oh wait. I think I should ask Rachel if you can come! She might get mad at me if I don't." He said after a moment's pause.

Annabeth was sick of hearing about Rachel Elizabeth Dare, so instead of replying, she just marched back inside her house, and said five scathing words, "We're done. Go date her!" Then she slammed her white door, leaving Percy looking after her with a sad expression etched into his features.

Inside, Annabeth went over to her dad and sat down. "Can we see the plane tomorrow? We only have an hour before dark." She didn't mention anything about Percy, for fear of her dad's response.

He nodded, knowing she was hiding something. "Can we order takeout? I'm lazy..."

Annabeth managed a weak smile, running her fingers over the old brown couch she'd grown up with. She nodded her head, afraid to speak. Her throat felt like it was closing in on her. But on the other hand she felt extremely calm. Did she make the right move? She went into the front room of the one story house, and opened it to see Percy sitting by the small stream in front of her place. She should really have been in college by now. Enough distracting thoughts though!

She hated her feelings, hormones, and desires. She wasn't going to give up on Percy so fast, even if she was furious right now. This was a complete repeat, she realized a little too late. Except they'd switched roles. She looked down at his dark hair and damp shirt, she wondered if he was sad.

"Er... Percy?" She asked nervously.

He looked up, and rubbed his eyes quickly, though they were puffy. "Hmm."

"Oh my gods. I never considered you ok? I was just angry, as always I guess. Can we forgive one another?"

Percy shook his head, "I don't know anymore Annabeth! Can I have some time please?"

Annabeth was shocked. He seemed a bit cold! "Er... Ok?" She couldn't exactly say no, could she? No, she couldn't.

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