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I hear murmurs and faint fluttering...Where am I?

I fluttered my eyes open and saw grey walls with portraits and

"Psst, guys! She's awake" someone says and before I can even see who it is...four figures hovers above me

"Hello Rapunzel" a sweet female voice whispers and I squint my eyes to see who it was...

A half humming bird half woman with violet eyes looks down at me with a smile

I stared at her for a while until another speaks "How are you feeling mate?"

A furry guy oversized bunny? "I-I'm feeling...fine" I stammered, where exactly am I?

"Calm down dear, you're safe...I'm North,this is Toothiana and this is Aster" a man with long white beard says pointing each one of them

I look at the small golden guy floating...He waves at me...

"And that's Sandy" Toothiana says...I smile at him and wave

"Where am I?" I ask..."You're in my workshop dear" North answers...I frowned...workshop?

"A-are you? Santa Clause?" He gives a jolly laugh "The one and only!"

I gasped before looking at the others..."The Toothfairy...The Easter Bunny...and The Sandman! I knew you guys were real!"

They all smiled "I see Jack has told you all about us?" North asks and that's when it hit me...Where is he?

"Where's Jack?"


They led me to Jack's room and there, I saw him lying on his asleep

He looks so exhausted as if he just suffered a while ago...I even noticed that the tips of his hair has turned brown...

I frowned as I took a closer look "We almost lost him" I turned to see Toothians looking at him with a worried look

"What do you mean?" She sighs "I guess he hasn't told you yet"

I frown before shaking my head "All of us are watching over one child...ours are already adults and we already parted from them...but it looks like he hasn't parted from you"

I remember the night he said he's it was the rule

"We are to protect you from any harm and if we don't...we suffer the consequences...we will suffer and we might lose our immortality and abilities...and that could kill us" that was why Jack was so weak when Pitch attacked me...he was suffering the consequence...if the four didn't came...we could've died

"Rapunzel...I know it's hard but...I think it's best that you let him go" Tooth says making me dumbfounded

Let go of the person who looked after me, cared for me and protected me? Let go of my Bestfriend?

Let go of the man I love?

I squeeze my eyes shut...this is the right thing to do

I nod my head slowly "Okay"



I open my eyes only to see Rapunzel looking at me with a weak smile...I'm glad she's alright

"Hi" I whisper...


I sat up and looked around...looks like North saved us

"How are you feeling?"I ask, looking at her...she seems anxious and...upset

"I'm" She kept her head low, fiddling with her fingers

"I'm feeling better, Hey what's wrong?" She shakes her head

I frowned before I lift her chin up for her to look at me...she looks away

"Tell me, I know something's bothering you" She squeezes her eyes shut and that's when tears rolled down

"You have to leave me Jack" she whispers and that broke my heart to pieces...I know I really have to but...


"I'm already an adult have to move on...and so should I...Let's end this" She says through her sobs

I shook my head, no not yet...I can't

"Jack please...I can let you go...just tell me it's over"

"Damn! Can't you see it? I can't let go because I'm in love with you!" Those words that I kept in for a long time is finally out

She stared at me, before she burst to tears..."Oh God!"

The sight of her crying and broken is making me feel horrible "I love you okay?" She shakes her head as her hand covers her mouth

"You shouldn't have said that!...It makes everything more harder!..."

I didn't notice that I'm already crying until I feel something wet on my cheeks

"Why shouldn't I? It's the truth! Why are you doing this? You said you didn't want me to leave"

She looks at me "But now I know why you've got responsibilities and your job being my guardian is over"

I grit my teeth before looking away...why is this so unfair?

"Jack, I love you too...I love you enough that I can let you go..." she whispers, her voice cracking...

I turn to her "Please...we need to move on"

I shook my head before I stand up and walk out of the room...


AN: Okay that was so dramatic...I'm sorry I'm such a loser anyways this book is nearing its end as you all know and Thanks for all the support, votes and comments! Thank You guys so much!

I love you guys! ^-^

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